SHELBY (Second Chance Novels Book 4)

Free SHELBY (Second Chance Novels Book 4) by Kemmie Michaels

Book: SHELBY (Second Chance Novels Book 4) by Kemmie Michaels Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kemmie Michaels
eyes. Her frustration, confusion, and anger take a back seat to raw, deep sadness. Her heart is broken from every angle. Her eyes flick to mine.
    "They really want to kill me."
    "They would have done it tonight," I confirm for her gravely.  
    She stares at the floor again, and starts walking in a slow circle with her hands up on her temples. I wish there were more words to help her brain process the reality. I watch cautiously, waiting for the opportunity to offer additional explanation or possibly comfort. My fellow marshals are doing a standard security sweep, checking doors and windows, as well as doing a video survey of the grounds. Marshal Shaw is head of on-site physical security. He nods a subdued greeting to Shelby as he checks the front door and moves systematically to the next point on his rounds.
    Shelby watches him and her face becomes...determined? hard? One heavy sob escapes her chest and she begins walking again, but this time her feet show purpose. I can't get a read on her expression until she shocks the hell out of me and makes a sprint for the front door.  
    None of us is prepared for her move. To this point she's been mostly compliant, and our focus has been keeping danger out . Keeping Shelby in hadn't appeared to be a problem. Fuck ! I run after her, trying to catch her before she breaches the safety of the house. We don't want a neighbor to see her face. One glance at her could cause problems down the line.  
    I manage to pull her back by the waist, knocking us both off balance as I do. She lands backward on top of me and I wrap her up tight as she sobs almost violently. I shift to a sitting position and hold her in an awkward sort of cradling position.
    "Just let me go!" she cries, pounding at my chest. "I don't want this! I don't want any of this! I don't even know why the hell I'm here! I'm just…done…"  
    Her voice trails off into nothingness as silent sobs wrack her entire body. I keep ahold of her to keep her from leaving, and also to keep her in my arms. I want to comfort her. If only I could prove she can rely on me, but I know better than to think she'll believe that anytime soon.  
    Her crying eventually quiets and I ease my embrace. Shaw catches my eye and moves to the door so I can let her sit on her own.  
    "Where's my bedroom?" she asks meekly. My only answer is to point down the hallway. She stands and ghosts away. I let out a heavy breath as Shaw comes over to me.
    "She's going to be a goddamn handful, that one," he shakes his head and helps me off the floor.
    "Yeah," I nod, releasing a deep breath. I shake my head and walk to the kitchen. I start a pot of coffee and slump into a chair at the table. By the end of my shift, Shelby hasn't come out of her room and I have no excuse to stay longer in case she does. She'll be glad to have her distance from me anyway, damn it.  
    "I'm out for the night," I say to Shaw. Banks nods from his position in the living room. "Lyons and Engle will be here at midnight."
    Each of my subordinates looks at me with an odd expression, obviously seeing my over-dedication to the witness. I refuse to engage on the subject, and I return home. Shelby needs space from me, which depresses my mood significantly.


    I can't sleep a wink. Who am I kidding? I haven't slept well since I was assigned this case by the White Collar Crimes division of the FBI.  
    Shelby Keene, computer hacker. She tripped over a breach into the national gallery and doesn't even know it. The feds have been following this ring for years, and she tags the biggest player on her second big hack. She shouldn't be too tough. You watch her until we know how much either party knows, then snag her as a witness the minute we can. The safe house is ready.The FBI wants these guys in a big way. This woman may be our way to nail them.
    I shake my head at the shouldn't be too tough blip in that speech. Yeah, 'simple' is not how I would describe anything about Shelby Keene. Even if I

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