Seven Dials

Free Seven Dials by Claire Rayner

Book: Seven Dials by Claire Rayner Read Free Book Online
Authors: Claire Rayner
well aware of their effect on others, and use it. There’s nothing reprehensible in that. Let me make it very clear that I’m not trying to make unkind judgements. Each and every one of us has to use such talents as we are given as best we can. And a talent to beguile is no more to be despised than any other. Unless it is used badly.
    ‘But, unfortunately, he suffers from what often goes with this sort of personality. A rather, shall we say, childlike inability to brook any sort of frustration. The Brin Lacklands of this world want what they want when they want it.’ He lifted his brows at her comically. ‘They may not always know what it
they want, but they want it awful bad - did you ever read that poem when you were a child? No? Well, there’s no reason why you should, I dare say. It’s probably a very English poem and you grew up in America, I seem to recall. Anyway, to return to your patient. I have to tell you that his so-called self-destructive bid was a typical example of the sort of manipulative behaviour this sort of personality regards as reasonable. He wants something, and doesn’t give a damn what he does to get it - and will usually go for the most theatrical methods. As I understand it, he wants to be treated by a particular surgeon at another hospital and you are having difficulty in making an arrangement for him. Hence this performance of his. He thinks that if he makes enough drama you will be forced to try even harder to get him what he wants -’
    She sat silently, staring at him, trying to control the anger that still bubbled in her. How dare this dreary man talk so about Brin, her inner voice was raging, how dare he? He was being spiteful and stupid, not talking as a doctor should talk about a patient at all. He was just -
    ‘Do you understand what I am explaining, Miss Lucas?’ Max said gently. ‘Your patient is using you - rather skilfully, I do admit, but using you all the same - and it is not in his best interests for you to let him do so. He needs, I would suggest, rather firm handling. He also needs to be disabused of this notion that he has been made very ugly by his injury. I lookedat that scar carefully and although it is by no means a thing of beauty and a joy for ever, it’s nothing like as hideous as he maintains that it is. I’ve seen much worse on many of the patients who have been admitted here after air raids -’ And then his voice seemed to dwindle and he stopped looking at her and looked down at the desk.
    And now she could contain her anger no longer. ‘Well, Dr Lackland, I must thank you for your opinion, no doubt, but I have to tell you that as a doctor in my own right - and however junior I may be and however ill-informed when compared to your own vast experience, the fact remains that I
an independent practitioner - I disagree with you very much indeed. I have looked after this man for some time now, so although my experience of medicine in general may not be as great as yours, my experience of this particular patient greatly exceeds yours. And I just don’t believe you are right. He is not being manipulative, he is not selfish and - and he isn’t what you said.’ And now her voice began to shake, and she had to stop for fear of losing control and he looked up at her and though his face was blank there was an expression of new understanding in his eyes.
    ‘You seem to have become more than usually interested in the man,’ he said. ‘Have you? It is possible for doctors to become rather more involved emotionally with an individual patient than perhaps they should.’
    ‘No,’ she said hotly and then as she felt her face redden got to her feet. ‘No,’ she repeated. ‘I am interested in all my patients. It’s why I came into medicine in the first place. I’m not like you - like so many British doctors, all ice and self-control. I care about my patients, all of them, and I don’t care who knows it -’
    ‘I stand rebuked,’ he said and got to his

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