Cook County: Lucky in Love

Free Cook County: Lucky in Love by Crystal-Rain Love

Book: Cook County: Lucky in Love by Crystal-Rain Love Read Free Book Online
Authors: Crystal-Rain Love
Tags: Contemporary, Western
first real date.
    She’d been afraid all day that he would call and cancel on her, stating he had agreed while intoxicated and had later come to his senses. He called while she was at the diner, and her hand had shaken so badly while answering the phone, she’d nearly dropped it. He hadn’t canceled though; he’d asked her favorite color and confirmed he would be at her place at seven.
    Determining she was as polished as she was going to get, Cammie reentered the kitchen and opened the oven to check on the steaks. Assured those were fine, she stirred the green beans simmering on the stove and peeked in the refrigerator to make sure the dessert had set. With everything in order, she took a deep, calming breath.
    Then the doorbell rang and the butterflies in her stomach whipped themselves into a frenzy.
    She smoothed her hair with her hands and snatched a quick glance in the hallway mirror as she made her way to the front door. She didn’t want to be overdressed for the simple date, which consisted of a rented movie and a homemade dinner, so she’d chosen jeans and a fitted white T-shirt with DOLLYWOOD emblazoned across the chest in shiny silver studs.
    Cammie wiped her sweaty palm on her pant leg, took a deep breath, and opened the door to see the handsomest man in Cook County standing on her porch wearing jeans, battered brown boots, and a freshly pressed, white polo shirt. Her mouth fell open as she saw what he held out to her in his hand.
    “Where on earth did you find blue roses?”
    “Not in Cook County,” he grumbled, but the tilt at the corner of his mouth showed he hadn’t minded finding the rare beauties for her. “You said blue was your favorite color, and I’ve been told there’s not a woman alive who doesn’t love roses so…I found some.”
    “Come on in.” She gestured for him to enter before closing the door and taking the flowers out of his hand. “I’ve never seen roses so beautiful.”
    Cammie guided Lucky into the kitchen where she put the roses into a glass vase and set them on the counter to admire. “Are they dyed?”
    “No, that’s the real color.” Lucky pointed to the bottom of one of the stems where a knobby little bud poked out. “The florist said this one right here might make it if you planted it.”
    “Really?” Cammie peered closer, excited. “I could have a whole bush of these in my yard?”
    “Of course you can.” He smiled. “Tell you what, honey, if this one doesn’t grow for you, I’ll drive back to Greenbriar and get you some with roots.”
    “Greenbriar?” Cammie gawked. “You drove all the way to Greenbriar and back just to get roses in my favorite color?”
    He shrugged, eyes downcast with shame. “I owed you something beautiful after such an ugly first time.”
    “It wasn’t ugly,” Cammie said softly, hoping to ease the guilt she could feel emitting from Lucky. “I love the roses. I’ve never been given anything so sweet and so unique.”
    “Neither have I,” Lucky replied.
    Cammie turned her face away, suddenly bashful, and her gaze fell on the stove. “Oh shoot.”
    She quickly crossed over to the stove and stirred the green beans before checking on the steaks. “Looks done. Ready for dinner?”
    “Sure am,” Lucky answered as he set the DVD he’d been holding in his hand on the counter and grabbed plates from the hutch. “I’ll set the table.”
    “Thanks.” She eyed the DVD case as she removed the steaks from the oven, hoping he hadn’t selected something with raunchy sex scenes in it. She’d feel too embarrassed watching a movie like that with him, wondering if he was comparing her body to the better ones on screen. “What movie did you get?”
    “ Rebel Without A Cause ,” he answered sheepishly. “I know it’s older than dirt, but I’ve always liked the classics. You seem like the type of woman who would appreciate them, too. Maybe I should have gotten Nine To Five ,” he added, glancing down at her shirt.

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