Song Magick
rapidly as she looked up at him, something akin to doubt in her
gold-flecked eyes.
    “You’re certain that there were no
misunderstandings this morning?” she queried.
    “With heartspeakers, the truth is always at
the surface, whether we intend it or not. I regret that I might
have given you reason to feel threatened.”
    Telyn looked surprised. “No, it isn’t that at
all, Mithrais. I don’t know why I pulled away, and I don’t fear
you—I know you saw what I felt before.” That lovely blush was
rising in her cheeks again, and she turned away, embarrassed.
    “I’ve found it difficult to think of anything
but you from the time we met, Telyn.” His confession caused her to
turn back to Mithrais, an expression of delighted wonder in those
tawny eyes. “But I’ve promised Lord Riordan that I will see you
safely to Cerisild.”
    Her expression changed, and Mithrais knew he
had affronted her.
    “I’m not defenseless, Mithrais.” Telyn
stalked away to stare moodily into the fire, the silk of the gown
swirling around her.
    “I know. Last night, we could hear the swords
striking long before we could see you, and to have held off three
enemies as long as you did is no small feat.” Mithrais moved to
stand behind her. “You have the courage of a warrior, Telyn, but
what follows you now deals in torture and death, not combat.”
    Telyn hugged herself. “I have heard rumors
about The Dragon. Everyone in Belthil has.”
    “Believe them. I’ve seen his work.” Mithrais
put a hand on her shoulder, turning her to look at him. “He is very
close, Telyn, if he’s not already here. We’ll have to be very
careful until we reach Cerisild.”
    “Do you really think that he won’t follow us
into the Wood?” Telyn’s face showed that it was less a question
than a mild accusation of folly.
    “No. I expect that he will. However, I think
that once in the Wood, he will find more than he bargained for. I
can alert Aric and the Tauron that The Dragon may enter illegally.
They can come to our aid if need be.”
    “A message would be too slow...” Telyn began
to argue, but stopped, confusion on her face as Mithrais held up
his hand, palm forward, with a meaningful look. She glanced at him
sharply as comprehension dawned.
    “You mean heartspeaking?” She narrowed her
eyes. “You can speak to them from a distance?”
    “Yes, in a manner.”
    A thousand questions were written in Telyn’s
eyes, but the faraway sound of a horn somewhere in the keep made
her jump. “The feast! I had almost forgotten.”
    “Are we late?”
    “No, that was the first warning. Riordan
usually requires three before he arrives. We won’t be late.”
    They simply looked at each other for a
moment. “I feel slightly foolish,” Telyn finally admitted, the
edges of her mouth lifting in an embarrassed grin. “I am a bard,
after all. I shouldn’t let myself be carried away by the rites of
springtime like a giddy, common wench, especially with a bounty
hunter at my heels.
    “Come, let’s go to the great hall quickly, or
I may not be able to concentrate on my music at all. It would be
unfortunate if I caused a scene at the feast. Some of the guests
might not appreciate concluding the rites early and in public.”
    Mithrais, after a moment of shock, laughed
heartily. “Lord Riordan told me that you once spelled an entire
room to sleep by mistake.”
    “Oh, it was no mistake.” Telyn’s eyes
twinkled at him through the pearly fabric of the mask as she tied
the ribbons. “I was nine years old. It was far too beautiful an
afternoon to be cooped up indoors, and the lord and Emrys were
wasting time after dinner discussing politics, to my mind. Once
they were asleep, I went swimming!”
    Mithrais donned the mask and crown of ivy,
and bowed formally. “May the Green Man escort the Maiden to the
great hall?”
    “He may.” Telyn curtsied in response, and
linked her arm through his as they exited the chambers. As they
walked down the

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