Saved By Her Dragon
steadied her.
    When she looked back to Aaron, his hands were out ready to
catch her should she fall. It just further confirmed that he was
absolutely nothing like the man that had her kidnapped and held her against her
will. She smiled up at him. “Thank you so much. I guess a month in
bed makes for weak legs,” she chuckled and then met his eyes. “I
wanted to tell you how very sorry I am that I accused you of having anything to do
with what happened to me. It was completely my mistake.” She looked
away for just a second and when she looked back, he was grinning,
“I hope you won’t hold it against me.”
    He shook his head and scoffed. “ Hell,
no . Don’t think about it again. My little
brother’s an asshole. He seems to hurt everything he touches. I’m
just glad you’re gonna be okay and I promise you…he will pay for what he’s
done.” He looked over her shoulder and gave a quick nod before he
touched her shoulder and said, “Now, take care of yourself. Cause
Dev’s been a real pain in the ass while you were out.”
    The room erupted in laughter as Aaron left, assuring her he
would see her later. From there it was a parade of faces and names
as she met everyone. Devon said they were all members of his Force. She had been so
busy trying to put names with faces that she had forgotten to ask
what that meant.
almost got the best of her when she met Siobhan, Devon’s mother,
but the elderly woman was so gracious and welcoming, all her
insecurities simply melted away. “It is nice to meet you and I am
so glad you are feeling better. I heard the good doctor say you
should eat and get some rest. Kyndel has cooked up enough food for
an army and her cooking always makes me feel better. Would you like
me to have them bring you a plate?”
    Her stomach growled before she could answer. Siobhan chuckled
and Devon barked a laugh as her cheeks warmed for about the
hundredth time. At the rate I keep
embarrassing myself, I’m never gonna need makeup again. His voice brought her out of her thoughts. “Would
you like to sit at the table or eat here in bed?”
    She really wanted to get out of bed but knew she would hit the
floor if she tried to stand on her own. “I…” Her words were cut
short as Devon picked her up and carried her to the small table in
the corner of the room. He delicately placed her on the cushioned
chair, and then knelt before her. She sighed as just the tips of
his fingers touched her cheek. “Never hesitate to tell me what you
want or need, a chumann, your happiness means everything to me.”
    Thankfully, Siobhan spared her from trying to speak past the
lump in her throat when the older woman returned with a tray
containing two heaping plates of food and two huge glasses of iced
tea. As she placed the tray on the table, she said, “I know I gave
you a lot but I wasn’t sure what you liked, so there is a bit of
everything. Just eat what you can. Don’t worry if you can’t eat
much, it has been a while since you had solid food. Whatever you
get down will help your strength return.”
Mom, I’ll make sure she eats.” She looked up to find a lopsided
grin on his lips and a twinkle in his eye.
    Everything looked and tasted delicious, but Siobhan had been
right; she was only able to eat small bites, and even those seemed
to take much longer than usual to swallow. Every time she paused,
Devon would give her a look that said ‘you need to eat’, which made her giggle
nervously . The tea
absolutely hit the spot. It was a blend of black and green tea and
she could taste herbs just like her mom used to blend. It became
increasingly obvious that she was much more thirsty than hungry.
When her glass was empty, Devon handed her his, saying, “Drink as
much as you like. I’ll go get us some more.”
    Kyra and Siobhan entered the room with Devon close behind,
just as she was finishing his drink. He placed two fresh glasses of
tea on their table and grabbed two chairs from the

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