Saved By Her Dragon
bookshelves that overflowed with old books
and notebooks came to mind. Mom had called them her ‘Recipe and
Spell books’. She giggled and surprised even herself with her
response, “That’s okay, my mom was a witch. Well, not my birth mom,
but the woman who raised me. She did spells and made teas and
ointments for people who needed her help. It’s all good. I know
you’re not crazy. Besides, you have a beautiful light. You’re a
really good person.”
thanks.” The petite witch’s smile lit up her whole face. “I’m Kyra,
and that’s my mate, Royce,” she pointed to the huge man with
extremely red hair.
next words came out rushed. “So here’s the deal. These two are
twins.” She motioned to the two guys that had freaked her out just
moments ago. “And they have a little brother that’s bat shit crazy,
Andrew. He’s the one that I believe abducted you. Now, I know all
of this is hard to believe, but I want you to do two things for me
and I promise you’ll see that what I’m saying is the truth.
looked at Devon and he nodded his approval. She could feel him
lending her his strength and reassurance through their joined
hands. Figuring she had nothing to lose, she answered the only way
she could, “Sure, what do you need me to do?”
motioned for Aaron to come towards her while she spoke, “I want you
to focus on Aaron and get a good read on his spirit. Can you do
that for me?”
nodded her head, looking right at him. His aura was brilliant. It
shone blue and red with bright white all around. There was
absolutely nothing malevolent about him. Looking at his twin, she
saw exactly the same colors, but with bits of green and yellow
added to the mix. The additional colors had to be from the gorgeous
brunette at his side. The love between them was evident and
something she longed for.
    Looking back to Kyra, she smiled and said, “Their auras are
clean and bright. You’re right, they’re nothing like him. But the
resemblance is scary… literally .”
    Kyra laughed, “Wow! You’re quick. Two at once–I’m impressed. I
can see where you’d think they look like their
younger , demented brother, but the more time you spend around these two, the
less they’ll look like the little shithead, I promise.” The petite
witch winked before speaking again. “Now, one more thing to
make really sure
and put all your fears to rest.”
    The tiny
woman motioned for the twins to join her at the end of the bed
before she continued, “Do you remember the color of Andrew’s
    She thought for just a second and took a deep breath to brace
herself, calling up the memory of her abductor. In a split second,
it all came rushing back… the day she woke
up in the strange locked room with two young men and an older
woman. She pictured the man with little round glasses who brought
them food and clean clothes. He’d been somewhat kind when he
instructed them to get ready to meet their Master. The wait was
awful. The sudden sound of a key in the lock made her hands shake.
She, along with the other three, had collectively held their breath
as the one they all called Master O’Brien walked into the room. His
smile had been chilling and his eyes cold. The scary recollection vanished and blessed reality
returned. His eyes! That’s it! She screamed, “His eyes!
One is blue and one is the color of whiskey!” she pointed to the
men standing on either side of Kyra, “Yours are blue and yours are
remaining tension in the room evaporated. Aaron visibly relaxed for
the first time since she had laid eyes on him and she immediately
felt bad for having freaked out. He turned to leave and she called
to him, “Aaron…?”
stopped, turned, and half-grinned. After a moment’s hesitation, he
took a step back. “Yes?”
tried to stand but her legs buckled, causing her to land in a heap
on Devon’s lap. “Take it easy, Sweetheart,” Devon said as his

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