Dangerous Relations
    His voice cut across hers. "Someone broke into my house this morning. Between eight and
noon, when I went home to get something."
    A feeling of dread crept up her spine. "Oh, no. How?"
    "By jimmying open the den door. I've repaired it."
    "What about the security system?"
    He gave a mirthless laugh. "Unarmed. I don't usually set it, but, believe me, I will from now
on." As though reading her thoughts, he added. "Don't worry about Leonie. She'll be perfectly safe.
You can trust me on that."
    "I do," she admitted. "What did he take?"
    "Nothing that I've noticed. He went through Suziette's things. Hardly touched mine."
    Ardin gasped. "Do you think it was the murderer?"
    "Could be Leonie's father searching for telltale papers. Hang on a sec." She heard someone
ask Brett a question, and a muted silence when he must have clasped a hand over the receiver.
"Ardin, let's talk about this later, okay? Are you going back to Julia's when you're done there?"
    "Might as well." Now was her chance to say she wouldn't be seeing him later. But
she wanted to see him, darn it, and the words wouldn't come.
    "I'll pick you up a quarter to four, and then we'll swing by the nursery school."
    He hung up before she could change her mind. Glee vied with guilt as she packed up
her possessions. I may as well go out with them and enjoy myself. After next week, he'll never
speak to me again. She shivered at the thought of Brett's fury, and wondered what form it
would take.
    * * * *
    "Watch me, Daddy! Watch me, Cousin Ardin!" Leonie shouted above the rock music
blasting through the Six And Under indoor playground. "No hands!"
    It took all of Ardin's self-control not to scream, "Hold on to the sides!" as Leonie raised Mr.
Bonkers overhead and zoomed down the curvy psychedelic-colored slide. She tumbled onto the soft
landing area, and quickly scrambled to her feet.
    "Terrific!" Ardin called out cheerfully, pretending she hadn't been expecting broken
    Leonie sent them a wide grin. "Daddy, I'm going up again."
    "Fire away, Miss Sugarplum!" Brett grinned. "She's absolutely fearless." He sounded as
proud as if Leonie had just chased off a grizzly bear.
    He turned back to watch Leonie, and Ardin, assured that Leonie was in no danger,
drank in his rugged profile. He was incredibly sexy in his chinos and bottle-green collared
polo, the opened two buttons revealing a tantalizing glimpse of his marvelous chest. She
felt the urge to open the third button and rub her hand against his bare skin. Whoa,
girl , she told herself, and turned to watch Leonie land, this time standing.
    "Good girl!" she called out, as Leonie came running toward them.
    "Daddy, I'm going climbing. Take care of Mr. Bonkers." She thrust the plush giraffe into
Brett's hands and dashed off to the far side of the playground where children were climbing ropes,
planks, and artificial mountains.
    Ardin and Brett followed at a slower pace. It was difficult to talk above the loud music and
screaming children. They watched Leonie climb the highest mountain.
    I'm sure they have playgrounds like this in Manhattan. If not, Leonie could climb
the boulders in Central Park. And she'll love the zoo.
    "Earth to Ardin." Brett nudged her arm, sending shivers through her body.
    "Noisy, isn't it?" He gave her a wry grin. "Leonie loves this playground, and I don't get a
chance to bring her often. I promise we'll eat somewhere quiet."
    "Daddy! Cousin Ardin!" Leonie waved from the top of the mountain.
    They waved back.
    "Tell me about the break-in," Ardin said. "Did Rabe show up?"
    Brett grimaced. "Would he miss the chance to give me the third degree? He grilled
me as if I'd staged it. I lost two hours of work time while four uniforms searched the
house. Next time I call my lawyer."
    "What a moron."
    "My sentiments exactly. He'll get no more cooperation from me."
    Brett leaned closer, his nose brushing against her cheek. When he spoke again, his breath
tickled her ear, sending delicious ripples

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