Shadow of Regret (Shadow #3)

Free Shadow of Regret (Shadow #3) by Barbara Goss

Book: Shadow of Regret (Shadow #3) by Barbara Goss Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Goss
talk to him. I’m sure it’ll help. He’s flat on his back, and will have no choice but to listen.”
    The “compromise,” as her mother called it, did not make Rose happy until a mischievous idea popped into her head. “Will you let me know when you’re going to visit, so I can pray while you’re gone?”
    “Of course. I’ll ride out today and ask him. He’s a very nice man.” Lavinia turned Rose around to face her. “I do love you, Rose. I only want what’s best for you.”
    Rose returned the smile.
    Later that afternoon, Lavinia returned from visiting John Martin, and approached Rose. “He’s pleased to have such a challenge right at the start of his career here. He said he’d visit early tomorrow morning, and I’m going with him, she said. “ Now do you feel better?”
    Rose smiled, “I do feel better. Thank you.”
    Very early the next morning, Lavinia knocked on Rose’s door. Rose had just finished dressing, but she flew into bed and pulled her blanket up to her chin when her mother knocked. “Yes, come in.”
    “I’m going to pick up Reverend Martin, now. You wanted to know so you could pray while I was gone.”
    “Thank you. I will.” Rose said, pretending to be sleepy.
    As soon as her mother’s buggy rounded the lane and turned onto the road, Rose flew out of bed, and outside to saddle her horse. She rode like the wind to Ivy and Jonas’s, and sneaked in the back door as she had before.
    Quinn was asleep. Perfect.
    She kicked off her shoes and curled up beside him. She wiggled in place a bit until she felt Quinn’s arm go around her. Then she lay still, and waited for the action to begin.
    She was afraid Quinn would awaken and spoil things, but his breathing had returned to a normal, soft, snoring pattern, and she knew he slept soundly.
    Rose had to wait so long she thought she would fall asleep herself. Then she heard the buggy, and then the knock on the front door, and then greetings. She closed her eyes and waited. It was only moments later that the door opened and she heard a loud gasp.
    “Rose!” her mother yelled.
    “What is this ?” the new minister asked.
    Rose opened one eye slightly, and saw four shocked faces, standing in the doorway: Martin’s, her mother’s, Ivy’s, and Jonas’s.
    “I’m so sorry,” Lavinia said. “Let’s go into the sitting room.” Rose peeked beneath her lashes and saw them retreat. She turned and sneaked a peek at Quinn. His eyes were open, and he was staring at the ceiling. 
    “What in blazes did you do?” he said with emphasis, but not with anger.
    “I’m sorry, Quinn,” she said.
    He didn’t shout at her or scold her. Instead he tightened his hold on her and kissed the top of her head. “You know what will happen next, don’t you, little one?”
    She nodded.
    “Why?” he whispered. “Why would you do something like this?”
    “Because I love you, and I don’t want anyone else. They wouldn’t even let me see you.” Tears ran down her cheeks, and Quinn wiped them away with his fingers. “It’s always been you, and always will be you.”
    “But your reputation—”
    “I don’t care.” She snuggled closer to him.
    “I think,” he said slowly, but gently, “that you should get up now, and act at least a little guilty. Act as if you didn’t realized you’d be caught.”
    Rose nodded, sat up and moved to the chair, and put her shoes back on. They both waited in silence for the second act.
    Lavinia, Ivy and Jonas walked in minutes later. “Well, dear daughter,” her mother said sternly, “it looks like you win. The wedding will take place immediately.” She turned and left the room.
    Jonas winked, and Ivy started to smile, but bit her lip as if she were trying to stop it from forming. They both left the room.
    Rose looked at Quinn who had his arm over his eyes.  “Are you angry with me, Quinn?”
    “Angry?” he said calmly. “No, it’s not anger that I feel.”
    “What then?”
    “First of all, I’m

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