Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2)

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Book: Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2) by E.S. Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.S. Carter
Tags: Romance
lying WHORE.
    W ait a minute, Vanessa Havers?
    As in Havers where I applied for a job months ago?
    A memory hits me and I look back down at her exquisitely featured face, a face I just want to slap, hard.
    This is the woman who interviewed me. Well that’s an exaggeration; she sat there bored, looking through her phone, ignoring me like I was shit on her shoe.
    Vanessa fucking Havers.
    Well I’ve got news for you bitch, I telepathically tell her printed face, he is mine .
    J ust as I go to open my mouth and address Liam, the office door opens and Liv enters with Nate close behind.
    “I’ve been waiting ….. “ her words drop off when she spots what is in my hands.
    “Oh fuck”, is Nate’s growled reaction only seconds later.
    “Listen Em, I’ve spoken to Jake already about this and he swears its all fabricated bullshit. Don’t go making your mind up until you speak to him. In fact I think now would be a good time to call him as I’ve only just got off the phone and I know he’s home waiting to speak to you.”
    I look from Nate to Liv and then across to Liam before addressing them as a group. “I know it’s absolute bollocks, I know exactly who she is and the games she likes to play.”
    I meet each of the concerned faces again, well all except Liam as he still looks totally unaffected and emotionless to it all.
    “It’s okay, honestly guys. I’ll speak to Jake and hear what he has to say. Until he tells me that this” I wave the paper in the air for emphasis, “is all true, nothing changes. I am still leaving in a few days to be with him.”
    Liv speaks up first. “What if it is true Em?” she looks at me, anguish written all over her face.
    I swallow past my dry throat, “If it’s true… I walk away and let Jake take care of his responsibilities. End of story.” I try to force out a smile to assure her I’m coping with all this.
    “Honestly Liv, I’m okay. I’m not gonna lie and say it wasn’t a punch in the gut but Jake warned me, warned us all, about things like this. So until I hear from him, this is all just utter crap.”
    I stride over to the shredder and Liam steps out of my way.
    W atching those lies get ground into dust should be soothing but my head aches with every sound the machine makes.
    Once the paper is completely obliterated and the room falls deathly silent, I feel a pair of small arms wrap around my waist from behind. Liv’s signature fragrance hits me and I unconsciously lean into her embrace.
    “Talk to him Em, hear his side of things and when you are ready to discuss it, come and find me. I’ll stay until you’re ready.” She gives me a small squeeze before turning to walk back into Nate’s embrace. They both leave the room and then it’s just me and Liam again.
    I wait for him to say something but he remains mute. Turning to face him I take in his handsome face, so unlike Jake’s yet with obvious similarities.
    He might not have Jake’s obvious dark good looks, he’s far more wholesome looking but no less striking.
    “Cat got your tongue Li?” I stare at him, willing him to spit out whatever he has to say.
    His blank, emotionless face transforms into something else. He looks hurt.
    “I’m a joker Jules, carefree, easygoing and everyone’s friend. I’m not supposed to know anything about this, about relationships or how that one person can consume you, can obliterate you.” He looks down at the floor for a few seconds before meeting my eyes again. I’ve never seen this side to Liam and I’m worried my friend is about to announce he has feelings for me.
    “Liam… don’t, you don’t need to say anything… I … you’re…” he interrupts my stammering and steps closer to me.
    Oh God, I hope I’m reading this wrong.
    “Jules I’m telling you this as your friend and not as Jake’s brother. You are worth more than any lies. Lies can never be undone. Lies can wipe out everything good in a single heartbeat.”
    He looks away forlornly

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