Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2)

Free Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2) by E.S. Carter

Book: Twenty One (Love by Numbers Book 2) by E.S. Carter Read Free Book Online
Authors: E.S. Carter
Tags: Romance
going to stop me from trying.
    A few hours later I’m lying in bed, mindlessly staring at the ceiling. The TV is off, I don’t have any music on and clutched in my hand is my phone.
    She will ring.
    She will ring.
    She will ring.
    I say the words over and over and over in my head like a mantra. A few times I open my screen to call her but stop myself just in time.
    She needs to call me.
    W hat feels like hours later, my phone vibrates and flashing on screen is a close up of her beautiful face.
    The picture was taken on our last day together in Ibiza. I had to beg her to let me take it, saying I needed to see her smile and soul stealing eyes, whenever I wanted to.
    She blushed prettily and I got a candid snap of her with her hair blowing in the wind, a shy smile on her face and those mesmerising eyes twinkling at me in the sunlight. The colour of them so vivid, that the picture seems unreal.
    I sit up quickly and swipe my thumb across the screen.
    “Emma?” why I say her voice like a question I do not know.
    Nerves maybe.
    Guilt definitely.
    “Jake” her voice comes over the phone on an exhale. She sounds defeated but not angry.
    “We need to talk Jake.”

    T he desperation to hear his, voice clouds every other thought I have.
    I get to Accede, an hour before my shift, so that I can spend time with Liv. Although is returning to the UK soon, for the start of the academic year, it may be that I leave before her. Nate has given me the all clear to leave as soon as Liam is up to speed with everything. He even promised that I will always have a job here should I wish to return.
    The security net his offer provides is comforting but the reasons behind his offer, only serves to increase my nerves.
    I am giving up everything to travel the world with a man I barely know.
    Call me crazy, call me stupid, call me reckless; my head calls me far worse but my heart, my heart is oblivious.
    My heart yearns for the day I can get on that plane and finally start this adventure.
    My heart is shouting so loud, its voice is drowning out all other reasoning.
    Life it too short to follow my head.
    My heart wants what my heart wants and I have no intention of denying it.
    “H ey Jules, you’re eager.” Liam is sitting in my office, or should I say his new office, when I arrive.
    “Just dropping last night’s figures in for you boss; actually since I’m training you that makes me your boss doesn’t it?” I try to keep a straight face and fail. The grin spreads across my mouth before I can stop it.
    “Jules, Jules, Jules, as much as you’d like to be the boss of me, you and I both know I call the shots around here.” He matches my grin and leans back in his chair, tilting it onto the back two legs.
    “Liam I’m sure your mother has told you before, stop leaning on the chair like that, you’ll have an accident and either break the chair or hurt your pretty head.”
    He lets out a sharp laugh before returning the chair back to its four legs, “You think my head is pretty? Well now Jules, if you want to flirt with me, no need to disguise it with concerns for my wellbeing.”
    This boy is incorrigible.
    I pick up the nearest thing I can grab from the top of the desk, in order to launch at his head. It just so happens to be a copy of a British newspaper. Liam’s eyes fly to my chosen missile and he dives towards it with a look of shock on his face. I avoid his flailing arms and roll it up, aiming it for his forehead, hitting my target sweetly and causing the paper to unravel and open up all over the floor at his side.
    Normally, this would be the point where he finds something a bit more dangerous to throw at me but unusually, he doesn’t retaliate. He dives from his seat and begins to scoop up the sheets of paper instead
    Okaaay. That’s not weird at all.
    I bend down to help him, ready to joke about his new, neat freak ways and how funny he looks frantically scuttling across the floor, when an image of

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