The Dragon's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Menage Romance

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Book: The Dragon's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Menage Romance by Jade White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade White
    “Let fate take its course,” she told herself over and over again.
    She didn’t have to force anything. All she had to do was be herself.

Chapter Four
    She walked down the stairs and found Will where he’d been pacing back and forth since he’d called her down the stairs. Mike was sitting in the overstuffed chair in the living room, looking like he was the calmest man in the history of the world. As he sat there, looking at how nervous Will was, she could see a sort of demented, cruel happiness in his eyes that was luminous and genuine. She had to admire how nervous Will was for all of this and she almost felt bad for him as he walked back and forth, anxiously rubbing his hands together and waiting for her. When she made it to the bottom of the stairs, she turned and looked at Mike, smiling at him before she made her way to the couch.
    Sitting down she watched Will exhale sharply and turn to look at her.
    “Okay,” Will said, sitting down on another chair across from Mike and making sure that she was seated directly in the middle of them.
    She smiled at the symmetry and couldn’t help but want to laugh at how ridiculous all of this was. There was something fierce in this room that she was not given the opportunity to be a part of yet, but she was more than eager to find out what it was.
    “What’s up?” she asked them with a pleasant smile on her lips.
    “So, we’ve made some rules for the whole competition,” Will said with a smile. “After we’re done here, I’m going to go out and hang out with some friends, go see a movie, and then stay the night at our friend Ricky’s place so you two can have the house to yourselves for whatever reason. I’m sure you’ll be out doing stuff, but just in case, I won’t be around to bother you.”
    “In case of what?” Oksana teased with a grin on her lips.
    “You know,” Will said with an awkward expression on his face.
    “No, could you clarify?” Mike pressed.
    “Come on,” Will groaned. “In case, you know, you do the dirty business.”
    “Do you think I’m dirty?” Oksana teased him.
    She relished the shade of red his face burned into and she laughed at the sight of it and reached out, putting a hand on his leg to assure him there was nothing he should be worried about. Well, maybe there was, but she was just playing with him and wasn’t cruel. Will smiled at her and scowled at the grinning Mike who was totally enjoying himself right now.
    As he stood up, he looked at the two of them nervously. “Good luck,” he said with a weak attempt at a lie. “I hope you have fun.” It was the sorriest lie he had tried to tell yet and she smiled at him.
    “We will,” Oksana assured him. “Try and have some fun yourself.”
    “Because we totally will be,” Mike jabbed.
    Looking sickly and pale, Will made himself scarce and Oksana laughed at the sight before she turned her gaze to Mike who was sitting across from her. There was a look in his eyes that had so much potential to her. Maybe he would be willing to forego the date and would be even more interested in ravaging her right here and now. The silence of the house enveloped them and they could hear Will starting his car and pulling out of the garage before he vanished for good, leaving the two of them here in each other’s company. She looked at Mike. He looked at her. There was a quiet fire between the two of them and she was relishing it.
    “So what’s the plan?” she asked him.
    “You’ll see,” he said enigmatically; she hated every syllable of it.
    “Is there something I should wear?” she asked him.
    “Something you feel like dancing in,” he said to her.
    She liked the sound of that. She smiled and slowly stood up from the couch and looked at him.  Part of her was primal and savage, wanting to take off her clothes right here in front of him, but she had to control herself. She had to make sure she didn’t do anything that would derail the night. She wanted to

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