The Dragon's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Menage Romance

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Book: The Dragon's Mail Order Mate: A Paranormal Menage Romance by Jade White Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jade White
make sure she got to see the whole experience of what it would be like to date Mike and spend a romantic time with him rather than just fuck his brains out. God, she wanted that so badly though.
    “Then I’ll be right back,” she said, turning and heading up the stairs. She walked slowly, making sure that he could see the sway of her ass as she walked, climbing the steps slowly and letting him really get a look of what he was going to have a shot with tonight.
    When she closed the door to her room, she couldn’t rip her tank top off fast enough and as she threw it across the room, her bare breasts were bathed in warm sunlight. She shrugged off her shorts and quickly walked to the wardrobe and threw open the doors, finding a glittering, navy midi dress that she’d been waiting for a time just like this to put on. She dressed as quickly as she could, spending the majority of her time on make up and her hair. It was an hour before she decided she was ready to go out into the world.
    Throwing open the door, she was slightly disappointed to see Mike was wearing the exact same thing, only he’d thrown on a button up shirt over it and rolled up the sleeves. Well, maybe she looked a little over dressed compared to him, but that was fine. She wanted to be his arm candy. Locking her arm in his, she smiled as he kept stealing glances of her.
    “You look incredible,” he said when he opened the door to his car for her and she sat down with a smile.
    She didn’t say anything to that. She knew how incredible she looked, but she did like the affect she was having on him. If she could keep that going, she would be just fine.
    It took over an hour to get to the destination that they were bound for, but Mike seemed to know exactly where they were going. She would smile as she caught him stealing glances at her legs and several times he’d stared at her chest, no doubt fantasizing about grabbing her dress and pulling it down to free her breasts. She closed her eyes and imagined his hands on her and smiled at the sensation. God, it made her so hot.
    When they finally reached their destination, she was pleased it was a concert and that she wasn’t the only woman who looked a bit over dressed compared to their dates. Maybe this was just an American guy thing. She smiled as they stood in line outside of the venue and chatted. She wanted to know everything about him, but Mike wasn’t exactly an open book. He was more of the guy who liked to keep things close and personal. He wasn’t going to open up about anything and let her have a look inside. She knew it was all part of the exterior he’d no doubt crafted after years and years of figuring out what the perfect man meant to him or in his mind. She would get to him eventually.
    Inside, the venue was dark and the house music was pulsing through her veins as she stood at a small table he’d reserved on the balcony overlooking the dance floor and the stage. The lights swayed back and forth of all different colors and she felt like she was back in Ukraine at one of the great concerts she’d been to before.
    “I figured you were a girl who liked to have fun,” he said to her, having to shout over the music.
    “You guessed right,” she said with a smile, sitting close to him and feeling that familiar warmth wafting off of him.
    She missed that feeling. She liked it so much. She wanted more of it. She realized how nervous she felt around him. There was something about him that made her want to really work hard to impress him. There was nothing specific about his personality that made her think that way, but she knew she craved his attention. Sure, his personality was crafted and fake which bothered her to no end, but it was something more than that. It was something deeper inside of her that longed for him.
    When the music started, they ordered drinks and watched for a few songs. The band was loud and it was everything she wanted. It was fast, deep music that pulsed inside of her veins

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