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Book: 3037 by Peggy Holloway Read Free Book Online
Authors: Peggy Holloway
again, the met al poured out of them and the hair started growing out.  I laughed.  I couldn’t help it.  I had wanted them to have a different color of hair and they did.  It was green.
         The old saying came to me, “Be careful what you wish for.”  I knew I would have to be more specific.
         The girls came back from swimming and they loved the green hair.  “I wish mine was pink,” Pud said.  We looked in amazement as her hair turned from red to pink.  Zen and Zoe wanted purple and it happened.
         “What are you going to be called?” Pud asked the guards.
         They looked at each other and one asked, “What do you mean?”
         “Well, I’m Pud, this is Ashley, This is Joe , this is Zen , and Zoe.”
          When they continued to stare at her she said, “Okay, you’re Evan and you’re Emmitt.”  They agreed and Pud said she wanted to be the official namer from now on.  We agreed.   Evan and Emmitt chose a green house to share.  It turned out that they were brothers.  They were ha rd to tell apart except that Eva n was a little taller.
    CHAPTER 17
         Joe, Irene, Evan and Emmitt and I had a meeting in Irene’s house .
         “They aren’t planning on destroying any more of the dwellings.  They now believe the dwellings are living things and are somehow connected to the cave,” Evan said.
         Emmitt picked up the explanation, “They have had the cave staked out for some time and have seen people come in and come out with the changes.  They intend to destroy the cave using bombs .”
         “When and how do they think they can do this?” Irene asked.
         “They have bombs?” I asked.
         The two guards looked at each other and hesitated. Finally it was Eva n who spoke up, “you saw the man at the meeting whose head exploded.  It wasn’t an accident.  The last implant that man, who was only 46 by the way, the last implant he had was designed to become a human bomb. 
         “They’ve perfected it since then and it will be a larger explosion next time.”
         Joe slammed his hand down on the table.  I jumped.  I had never seen him express anger before.  “I suppose they are going to get people to volunteer by promising them the new implants will enable them to father children?”
         “More than that,” Evan continued.  “They are asking for volunteers from both men and women.  The new implants are supposed to increase the sex drive as well as improve fertilization.”
         I didn’t know if I should tell them of my pregnancy which I had confirmed just that morning.  If we could get to these people who were going to volunteer, and I could tell them about Joe impregnating me after he was healed and made whole maybe we could convert them.
         Joe looked at me and silently communicated, “It’s up to you.  If you want to tell them go ahead.  They are one of us now.”
         I cleared my throat and then just blurted it out, “I’m pregnant!”
         The two of them looked at me and then looked down at my belly.
         “No, I’m not showing yet but I have all the signs.  I’ve had a baby before and I know and Joe knows for sure.  He’s the father by the way.  He got me pregnant after the implants were removed.
         “If we could convince these people who are so desperate to have children that they are willing to get yet another implant, that all of that and more can happen for them after they are healed, maybe they would join us.”
         “There’s something else you don’t know but Joe may know.  When you have the implants, there are some of them that act as a logic distortion.  What I mean by that is that every time you start to question decisions made by the authorities, they block it and your thoughts go somewhere else.”
         “So they actually have some sort of mind control over everyone?”
         “Yeah, they do

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