
Free Vengeance by Kelly Carrero

Book: Vengeance by Kelly Carrero Read Free Book Online
Authors: Kelly Carrero
idea if he had set up cameras to watch me. Cameras were one thing I couldn’t detect with my mind. “I guess I should move Chelsea up to the bedroom then,” I said, looking down at her. That girl could sleep through anything.
    “Probably a good idea.” He picked up the tray. “I’ll meet you up there.”
    He disappeared, leaving me alone and wondering how I was going to land Chelsea on the bed without waking her up or dropping her on the floor.
    “Oh well, here goes nothing,” I said as I sat beside her and put my hand on her shoulder. I figured if I landed on the bed, then she would be sure to land there with me. I transported out and succeeded in getting her onto the bed without waking her up.
    I climbed off the bed and pulled the blanket up to her chin. She stirred momentarily before slipping into another dream.
    I went into the closet and changed out of my coffee-soaked clothes. Just as I was pulling up my trackies, Aiden appeared before me.
    A smile spread across his face when he saw me in my bra. I quickly grabbed a shirt off a hanger and shoved my arms into the sleeves.
    Aiden whizzed over, stopping me before I could get the shirt over my head. “Don’t,” he said, lowering my hands.
    The meaning behind his words was anything but I-want-to-see-you-without-a-shirt. He just didn’t want me to feel as though I needed to cover up in front of him. He wanted me to feel comfortable with him again. Hell, he wanted us to go back to the way things were—even the love part. But the problem was, he didn’t love me, and I couldn’t see it happening anytime soon. For all I knew, I had made him permanently unable to love me again.
    Aiden cupped the side of my face, rubbing his thumb softly against my cheek as his eyes dropped to my lips. He wanted so badly to kiss me, but he was afraid I would pull away. He didn’t understand the way he was feeling, and quite frankly, neither did I. The raw attraction he had for me when we first met was back, but he also had the history of us ingrained in his memory.
    I debated what to do. I didn’t want to reject him, but I wasn’t ready to have sex with him again. Though it wouldn’t be our first time, I guessed my subconscious was trying to protect me from the chance that he would decide he didn’t want to be with me any longer.
    Aiden moved his hand to my back, silently asking permission to get closer. I gave a slight nod and dropped my shirt on the floor as he slowly pulled me against him. He ran his hand up my back, stopping briefly at my bra but deciding not to push things too soon. He lowered his lips halfway to mine and waited for me to make the connection.
    I stood on tiptoes and pressed my lips against his. I wanted nothing more than to remove every single item of clothing that stood between us, but the kiss would have to be enough. I loved him so much, and I only hoped that he would someday feel the same way about me.
    “Hello,” Kai called, opening the bathroom door. He took one look and backed into the bedroom. “Whoops!”
    “Damn,” Aiden muttered. He bent down, picked up my shirt, and handed it to me.
    “Is it safe to open my eyes?” Kai called.
    I quickly put on my shirt. I could picture Kai standing out there with one hand covering his eyes and the other holding a wrap with all his leftover breakfast goop as the filling.
    “Yes, Kai. We’re not doing anything!” Aiden then murmured, “Anymore.” He pulled me back in for a quick kiss then turned me in his arms and ushered me through the bathroom and into the bedroom.
    When Kai spotted us, a mischievous grin spread across his face. “Sure you weren’t.” He winked.
    I decided to call him on it. “Okay, fine. You did catch us with our clothes off and about to get all hot and steamy.”
    “Really?” Aiden asked.
    Kai broke out in one of his bellowing laughs. “I knew it.”
    “No. Not really,” I said to Aiden. “And no, Kai. We were just getting changed after I spilt coffee on us.” When Kai

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