To Love and Obey (Boundaries)

Free To Love and Obey (Boundaries) by Katy Swann

Book: To Love and Obey (Boundaries) by Katy Swann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Katy Swann
Tags: Erotic Romance Fiction
tummy now reached her head and her whole body melted as she gave in to the dizzying effects of her submissive desires. She groaned as the tingles made their way down to her groin and teased her pussy, which started pulsing with need.
    “Rachel, look at me.”
    She managed to focus her eyes on him and smiled. God she loved this man, who took everything he wanted from her, demanding her complete and utter surrender. Was this what it might be like as his slave? A shiver ran though her body at the thought.
    “I need to warn you about the dungeons. Edge play is permitted down there, and there will be scenes going on that may disturb you. Don’t forget that no matter how extreme things may seem, the same rule applies as up here—safe, sane and consensual. You will need to trust me not to harm you, but I will push your boundaries, do you understand?”
    She was about to make a joke about Adam using the word ‘Boundaries’, but the warning in his voice sent a fresh shiver of fear through her instead. “Yes, Sir,” she whispered again.
    Adam reached down between her legs and stroked her along her labia. His fingers slid easily into her pussy and there was a wicked glint in his eyes as he held up the glistening finger and said, “I can see that I’m going to have fun with you tonight. Now, listen carefully. We’re going to do a bit of role play downstairs. I seem to remember a discussion we had about you enjoying the act of being punished.”
    A bolt of lightning shot through her body and hit her clit so hard she actually jerked slightly from his words. Adam grinned and returned his hand to her pussy. Her face burned when he held up his saturated fingers.
    “You will be the secretary and I will be your boss, sound familiar?” His eyes bore into hers, as if seeing every spark of arousal igniting with each word. “I will punish you for something you’ve done wrong. Now, let me see, what can you have done?” He put his finger on his chin and pretended to have a hard think. “Oh, yes. Let’s pretend you’ve forgotten to order lunch in for a board meeting.”
    Shit, shit, shit. He was going to punish her for what had happened on Wednesday. He must be seriously pissed off for him to wait until he can get me into the dungeon. Images of whips and other terrifying implements of torture flashed through her mind and she swallowed nervously as she realized that this would be no role play. This was for real.
    “Does that sound like a realistic scenario?” he asked with an evil grin on his face.
    She couldn’t stop her voice from faltering as she answered him, “Yes, Sir.”
    “Good. Remember, once we’re downstairs, you must observe protocol. Come on.”
    He yanked the leash and she quickly stood up and stretched her legs which had gone slightly numb from her sitting on them for so long.
    He led her to the top of the staircase and she stared down into the depths of hell with trepidation. It looked just as intimidating as it had before, only now even more so because she knew that this time she was actually going down there. With each step down, her pulse quickened as the sounds of the dungeon gradually grew louder. The screams and cries of pain, which merged with the sounds of Marilyn Manson, had a different quality to them, darker and way more intense than upstairs in the playrooms.
    At the bottom, Adam pushed open a heavy wooden door and she found herself in a huge room. It was dark with only minimal lighting, mostly from red bulbs hidden in the ceiling. She held her breath as she gazed around, trying to take it all in. It was packed full of people in various stages of play—some people were strung up and being whipped by their Doms, and some poor subs were trapped in medieval looking stocks, whilst others were locked in cages. There was a massive wooden wheel against one wall with straps attached to it as well as several St. Andrew’s crosses and spanking benches.
    The sounds and smells were similar to those upstairs,

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