
Free Double-Crossed by Barbra Novac

Book: Double-Crossed by Barbra Novac Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbra Novac
Tags: BDSM Contemporary
stroked his steely erection, precum leaking over the top of it in its eagerness to get into her. His eyes trailed over her body to her hands, working her right breast and her pussy hard. The two fingers she used to pump in and out looked coated in the sexy fluid she produced, and he could see her clit standing to full attention.
    He needed her here exactly as she appeared now. Nothing more, nothing less.
    Taking his cock with his right hand, he positioned himself to enter her. He pulled her hardworking fingers out of her hole, directing her hand toward her face. He wanted her to smell and taste the passion flowing out of her. As he leaned forward to push her fingers into her mouth, he pressed his rock-hard dick gently past her opening, into the cavernous depths of her pulsing hole.
    She sucked hard on her own fingers, her tongue peeking out between them, sliding up and down the small shafts. Relishing the sight, Peter sat back a little, hooking her legs over his elbows to give his cock free access to her as he stared down at her writhing form below him.
    Peter could feel her engage with his thrusts as soon as his cock sank into her. Straining forward, she met his movements with as much penetration as she could absorb. Peter groaned as his meat pumped into her, knowing she did everything she could to fuck him back. She impaled herself on his cock, using her vagina to suck on it and drag it deeper and deeper into her.
    Peter felt that he'd come into this glorious body, and soon. He reached forward and pulled on her nipples again, firmer this time, as hard as he'd seen her doing only minutes before.
    “Ohhh, unnggghhh…unngggghhhh…” she groaned.
    Fighting his own orgasm for all he was worth, Peter could see her orgasm coming. She flailed like a wild thing, thrashing about on his cock now, thrusting as hard as she could to get him farther into her. Then suddenly she stopped moving, her neck and legs very stiff. Peter could see the veins in her neck straining. He gripped onto her hips, ramming her cunt onto his cock as hard and fast as he could.
    When her whole body tensed up, Peter could feel it all over his dick. Her vaginal walls clenched and throbbed on his penis as if her womb were a vortex sucking him in. He couldn't hold back any longer. With no thought for the consequences, Peter allowed his cock to explode into her as her own orgasm reached its peak. He felt his shaft jerk hard as spurt after spurt of his hot cum lurched up into her hungry body. Eventually, when his dick had stopped unloading its charge into her, he could see that she'd fallen back, exhausted. She'd gone limp all over, her arms falling by her sides and her head rolling to one shoulder.
    Marianne felt swept away. She floated in another world, a postorgasmic delirium. She felt his kisses as he leaned forward over her body, through the fog of her subsiding pleasure. It took the cake as the most incredible sexual experience she'd ever had.
    She lay back, spent and happy, letting him kiss her, enjoying the stillness of the warmth between them. He kissed her gently, and soon she felt his penis, now reduced to its normal size, slip out of her stretched hole.
    Peter turned his head to whisper into her ear.
    “Darling,” he said to her very softly. “Go and lie on your bed. Take a rest. I'll be along in a minute.”
    He pulled back, assisting the movement in her legs, still stretched as wide as possible to accommodate him. Easing them gently from their place, he guided them to the floor.
    She stood up, slightly off balance. Her legs ached somewhat from having been in a strange position. She looked at Peter, who sat watching her, and her eyes trailed down to his thick penis. Tiny electrical bolts tickled at her vagina as she observed his most private body part enclosed warmly in its sheath.
    Ignoring the feelings in her pussy, she smiled at Peter, turned, and walked down the small corridor to her bedroom. The clock next to her bed said 2:30 a.m., and

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