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Book: Double-Crossed by Barbra Novac Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbra Novac
Tags: BDSM Contemporary
Marianne suddenly realized she felt terribly tired.
    Peeling back the cool linen on her pretty bed, Marianne floated into it, thinking, Thank God I put fresh sheets on the bed earlier today . These thoughts played with her as dreams took over, and she fell asleep.
    * * *
    Peter watched her walk away from him and sat back in the chair. He'd go and check on her in a minute, and then he'd have to make his plans. Thinking for a moment about the body of that incredible woman, he rested in the afterglow of his orgasm.
    After checking the locks on the house, he picked up the breathtaking dress she'd worn. Peter held it admiringly in his hands for a moment, relishing the scent of her perfume that rose from the lace. He thought of how beautiful she looked in it, and how subtly it held her lust. No one could know, looking at her in that dress, what she would be like later on, thrusting her fingers inside herself. He put it carefully over the back of the couch.
    Picking up the items of lacy underwear, he smiled when he held her panties, wet as if they'd been under a tap. His cock started to stir again in response to the wetness; he put those carefully on the couch as well.
    Peter tiptoed down the hall to her bedroom to find that she'd already fallen fast asleep. He looked at the faint flush of her cheek and smiled. He'd enjoy sleeping in bed next to her tonight. Not wanting to wake her, he went back to the lounge and carefully laid out his suit on the couch next to her clothes. Peter looked about him. Her modest tastes probably indicated low income, but she had a sense of style that her lack of money could not hinder.
    For the tenth time that evening, Peter thought to himself how remarkable this woman had turned out to be.
    Seeing her in the dress had made him forget his professional behavior and his obligations to his boss. However, that was nothing compared to seeing her so compliant in allowing him to come into her home, so given over to the activity going on between her legs. He'd recognized the woman in her that he'd been hoping to find for a long time.
    His priorities changed in that moment. Gone was the concern for the protocols of his profession and office. Now, concern for Marianne, her safety and her freedom, so they could explore one another properly after the case, became paramount.
    Naked, Peter stood there in Marianne's small apartment, thinking again of how she looked with one hand on her breast and the other pumping in and out between her legs. God, she was beautiful. He'd never seen anything like it. Exaggeration of her vulnerability only added to her charm. The freshness of her round, voluptuous body stood in contrasting softness to the harshness of toned muscle in his usual women. This lovely female carried herself with so much dignity that her presence obscured any possible flaws. Her naked body took his breath away.
    Reflecting on her spreading for him made his cock thicken again, and he remembered her asleep in the bed. He picked up his watch and set the alarm for eight a.m. He didn't want to leave her the next day, but he needed to prepare for the case later in the week, and he wanted time to himself anyway. This turn of events required attention; the seriousness of it needed to be thought through.
    Carrying his watch with him, he walked into the bedroom and heard the sound of her gentle, heavy breathing. He put the watch next to the vacant side of the bed and pulled back the covers, glad to slide into the crisp sheets next to this lovely creature.
    Peter knew he had a reputation as a ladies' man, but ultimately, he always knew there would be one woman so special, who seemed so particularly made for him, that he would have to change his life to have her as his own. Looking at Marianne's head on the pillow with her long, blonde hair falling about her shoulders, Peter wondered if this might be the woman.
    He sank down between the sheets. Feeling his presence, she let out a contented sigh, and rolled with her back to

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