Chasing Imperfection (Chasing Series 2)

Free Chasing Imperfection (Chasing Series 2) by Pamela Ann

Book: Chasing Imperfection (Chasing Series 2) by Pamela Ann Read Free Book Online
Authors: Pamela Ann
chicanery .
         But I’m more than happy to oblige his and let it run amuck.

         The second I unhooked the last latch, Sienna stood up and strode to the other side of the room. I watched fully fascinated as she took off her corset and placed it next to the hamper letting her perky glorious breasts pique my attention. My mouth hung ajar when I saw her wiggle her hips out of the fitted leather pants and dumped them inside the hamper. Her engine red lacy thong followed suit.
         My throat ran dry. My pulsed quickened and my cock immediately hardened.
        After her rousing little striptease, she trotted back to the bathroom.
         Bloody fuck , I’m infinitely bewitched !
         Letting my head fall back, I s hut my eyes and groaned with heavy yearning frustration. My cock throbbed as I replay ed the scene in my head. I cursed again. I want ed her so badly—I’m helpless. But I knew she wouldn’t touch me knowing what I’ve been up to lately. Well , especially after knowing that bit of information with Ivanna tonight.
      This is without a doubt— the most pure unmitigated torture in its finest, truest blasted , cruel form.
         When she came out of the shower wearing that puny silk outfit , I lifted myself off the bed and charged straight to the bathroom. I nee d ed a long — icy cold shower. I turned it to the cold knob and placed it on the coldest temperature possible. My blood’ s boiling with rabid fervor thinking of Sienna’s naked body.  I could possibly try and relieve myself in the shower but I knew it wouldn’t make a difference knowing I’d be sleeping right next to her.
         I dried myself off and slipped on my black boxer briefs, I neatly placed my clothes next to her robe and strode out of the bathroom. The room was dark and I could barely make her out of the bed. Her back faced me and I quietly slipped right next to her rigid form. She was wide awake but she prete nded to sleep.
         Turning on my si d e , I f aced Sienna’s back. I shut my eyes and controlled my breathing. I basked in Sienna’s floral scented hair . Calm contentment washed over me. I could do this all night—smelling her without a hi nt of touch and not sleep a wink , I blissfully thought.
         She shifted again, hugging her pillow tightly. After five minutes she shifted agai n and huffed , adjusting her pillow.
         “Yes?” she whispered.
        “You can sleep on my chest if you want… it used to make you sleep better.”
         She didn’t respond and let the words hung in the air. I was about to turn on my back when I heard her whisper. “ Can you hold me?”
         My entire body stilled rigidly. I’m nothing but a hot-blooded man, how in G od’s name will I ever control the stirrings of my body when I hold her close?
         When she sighed, I pushed the lust-filled thoughts at bay and pulled her close, against my chest. She curved her body against mine and I caught myself before I moaned loudly. Her toned pert bottom cushioned against my ever growing erection.
         Was she goading me? I’m a step away from losing it and toss ing caution out of the window.
         My mind ran p rovoking thoughts of ravaging her delectable body and burying myself in that tight , wet juicy cunt of hers . My sani ty and control are being tested to the hilt— a nd I’ m …. slipping . I’m only a hairsbreadth away from failing and surrendering to my yearning desires.
         She wiggled again and I hissed furiously on her ear. “Sienna ! ”
         “Are you …. hard ?” she questioned innocently.  I groaned in frustrated protest.
        “Why is your co ck hard and poking my butt , Blake?” the wrench feigned innocence.
         “Because you openly taun t me— driving me insane after that little display of you stripping naked —knowing damn

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