London Harmony: Squid Hugs

Free London Harmony: Squid Hugs by Erik Schubach

Book: London Harmony: Squid Hugs by Erik Schubach Read Free Book Online
Authors: Erik Schubach
with a mischievous grin, “More for me.”
    I shook my head, it was just unfair.  I had to ask, “How do you keep your figure?”
    She sighed heavily and said, “Lots and lots of personal training.  So I get to be naughty like this at times.”
    Neil looked overly amused at us all as he slowly shook his head.
    We saluted Patty with bites of chocolaty goodness, and the microphone popped.  We all looked over to see Grant Parker as he announced with a champagne flute in his hand.
    “We'll give everyone a chance to finish and stretch their legs, then we will begin the awards ceremony in fifteen minutes.”  He saluted with the glass then took a sip and stepped down from the stage.
    The sound level doubled as people started getting up and stretching and moving around while others, like us, dutifully finished our desserts first.
    We were just finishing up when Josie placed her hands on our shoulders and said in her bubbly voice, “There you two are.  I tried to find you before the meal.”
    We patted our lips with our napkins as we stood and passed around hugs like they were trading cards. Grawl.
    Josie stood one step back and shook her head with a bemused smiled on her face ad she said, “Jen, you look phenomenal.”  She turned to me with a mischievous smirk. “And Zil, you always make a fashion statement.”  Her eyes fell to my chair and asked, “Is that a parasol?”
    I wiggled my eyebrows and grabbed my parasol and opened it, then made a show of spinning it on my shoulder.  Josie barked out a chirp of laughter as she exclaimed, “It's perfect Zil.”
    Jen rolled her eyes, shoved my shoulder playfully, and I closed the parasol and hung it on my chair.  Then Jennifer asked with genuine interest, “So where's this new beau of yours?  You never bring him around.”
    Josie lifted her chin as if she could see over the crowd from way down there at sea level and said, “Jeff is over by the bar.”  Then she added in a slightly annoyed tone, “Again.”  Then she brightened again. “I'm still a little undecided on the bloke.”  Then she changed the topic as she brightened. “Thank you so much for being here, both of you.  It means a lot to me.”
    We gave her a smile and she looked toward the bar.  “I better go find Jeff before everything begins.”  She grabbed each of our hands and gave them a little squeeze before heading off into the crowd.
    Jen looked at the tragedy of the empty cup with chocolate crumbs in it on out table and she said with a sigh, “We best freshen up.”
    I nodded and Patty bounced up like she was on springs, or more likely, hopped up on chocolate and sugar, and blurted, “I'll join you.”
    She was a happy sort.  I grinned at her and Jen hugged onto my arm as I led us away.  Patty looped an arm in Jen's and asked, “You must tell me where you found those darling shoes.”
    I rolled my eyes with a grin while they discussed all things shoe.
    After we had returned, things got into full swing.  It was excruciatingly boring, listening to the speeches of their featured speakers.  Jen caught me playing an exciting round of tic-tac-toe on my napkin with my spoon, and slapped my hand.  I stuck my tongue out at her and tried to pay attention to the various stuffed suits as they went on about all the successes their teams have had.
    Then finally, they started announcing the various awards.  I liked that part, I'm all for acknowledging people who put in the extra effort to excel at their jobs.  So I hammed it up a bit and applauded loudly for each.
    One roguish looking man who looked like he worked out was awarded for his work on a cutting edge chemotherapy drug.  When he passed by our table in his tailor-fitted suit, he gave Jen a wink as he straightened his tie.  She watched him go past as she looked him up and down.  Then she turned to Patty and I and said with a smirk, “Nice arse.”
    I gave a smile I wasn't feeling.  I mean sure, the man had a nice butt and would have

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