Light Bringer (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 2)

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Book: Light Bringer (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 2) by P.S. Power Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.S. Power
where it was, in order to
seek that kind of relief.
    Nodding, he started back up
making things to eat. It was all the same, but so far no one was complaining
about that. It was decently well done, after all.
    "All right. I don't know my
schedule. I need to get in touch with some people from Harmony. We have to be
at the King's Palace for dinner tonight, so they need to be ready. They can get there without me if it's needed though. Clearly a disaster comes
first." That made sense to him. Probably to King Richard too.
    Captain Jones had mud and damp
spots on his black outfit, which seemed to be real, being made of heavy cloth
and not magic. His boots were dingy too, now. All the dampness had been hard on
everyone, it seemed.
    The man in charge, who looked to
be in his late twenties or thereabout, just sighed , and shook his head.
    "Is that where you're
from? I was just told that we didn't have transport available, then the General
called me back ten minutes later and said to get everyone out front for pickup.
I guess that makes sense. They have most of the good ships, right? Are you in
their... Army? I don't know what that would be there. Ships, so, navy?
Fleet?" The man seemed too tired to be embarrassed by being wrong about
what he was saying. That or military men didn't hold to those silly standards
about things they didn't know yet. The nobles often did, but that had never made sense to him. It made a lot more sense to just say that you didn't know
and learn about it, to him at least.
    "Oh... Yes. Sorry. Prince
Dareg, of Harmony? King Richard got in touch with me to set this up. One of my jobs
is making sure that people get help in emergencies." Or close enough.
    The man looked at him, then
bowed. It was awkward, holding a plate of food, but he went fairly deep. After
clearing the latest plate of food, he did it back.
    "I see. Well, please forgive
me if I was rude at any point? I should have known, but I really just didn't
think about it. Busy, you know?"
    That one got a nod, since
flooding seemed a bit distracting to him, personally.
    "Good point, and no, you
were all fine , the whole time. Let me know where we need to be, and I'll
ferry everyone to the other work site? Maybe that will speed things up, and I
can get to dinner on time? I'm going to need more sleep soon. You can wake me
up when you're done, right?" He was trying to joke, but the Captain
actually just assigned a woman that had a watch to do exactly that.
    After they ate, they got right
back to work. All of them.

Chapter three
    Thankfully his part in things was
both rather hemmed in at the moment, needing to clean up and watch his ship for
the time being. That meant about ten minutes of work, cleaning plates by
tossing them into the working materials for the ship, and brushing a lot of
crumbs. Tired soldiers were a bit messy, it seemed. So was he, but that wasn't
an excuse not to make certain things were tidy, after the fact.
    Then he sat for a while, resting,
and getting in touch with everyone. It was daytime now, so he called up the
people on the Moon first. After all, he had no clue what their schedules were,
but had been woken up in the middle of the night himself. Sure, he had his
stepmother's wonderful waking device, on him even, but being a little low
energy he hadn't wanted to risk pushing himself yet.
    They were all still awake
however, and excited to be going off to visit later. None of them were even
upset when he suggested they had to get themselves to the Noram King's Palace
before nine that night. Tenet just listened to him, and nodded.
    "Do you need help? There? We
can get a crew together. That doesn't sound too different than an air breach,
so I bet we have some tricks that will work for it."
    Tess and Taman hadn't mentioned
that sort of thing, but they were women. That made a difference as to what kind
of help they might think to offer, Dare thought. It was possible that they'd
just figured Dareg would handle it however. They weren't bad

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