Light Bringer (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 2)

Free Light Bringer (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 2) by P.S. Power

Book: Light Bringer (The Young Ancients: Second Cycle Book 2) by P.S. Power Read Free Book Online
Authors: P.S. Power
such esteemed personages. Or does this need to be private?"
    Dareg shrugged, too tired to
think about how rude that probably was, while dealing with a King.
    "They're bringing you a present, and don't seem to want anything other than to say hello. So if
they're planning intrigue or anything they didn't mention it to me. I doubt
that though. Tenet and Tess both seem nice. Taman, too, of course. I... Think that
treating them like family will work? That's how it was all presented to
    That got a small, polite nod.
    "I can work that out. Dinner
then. I should get with the base commander at Wildlands. A man named Jones.
Captain Jones. Can you set up right in front of the base? That will be fastest
I think."
    "On that now. I should be
there in about fifteen minutes?" He felt a bit low, thinking it, but
really wanted to brush his teeth first. There was a flood though, so as soon as
King Richard tabbed off, he tucked the device back in his pocket and stumble
ran to the wash room. He moved fast and it was all a little sketchy he didn't
doubt, but better than nothing.
    He ran once the door was hidden.
Slapping his ship up, he flew fast, hoping he would be able to tell where the
right place was. Thankfully there was only one dark blob that had magical
lights near the correct location, and what looked to be several hundred bodies
standing under the bright lights. There was a hasty, kind of oddly shaped,
circle of brilliant blue on the ground too, which was just about big enough for
a full sized ship to be put up.
    He landed in the center, about a
thousand feet from the lines of people, and let the craft grow larger. It wanted to, so it wasn't hard. The biggest thing with that was not letting it fold out
to the mountain sized thing it desired to be. The color stayed black, which was
a bit of a mistake, if they were going in at night. So instead, after a few
seconds of thinking about it, he made it glow purple, with a gold stripe down
the middle. Then he opened the side so people could load up, and created seats
for about four hundred people. Large, comfortable things that sat in four rows
of four seats. Lots of them. Way more than they had a need for he bet.
    The men, and women, charged into
the ship, with a medium sized man with short blonde hair jogging to where he
was sitting up near the front.
    "Captain Jones. Royal Army.
Are you our ride to Loxley?" The man didn't smile, even as hundreds of
bodies ran into place. Before he could answer, the space being a bit noisy, the
last body came in, and yelled about it.
    "Last aboard! Go, go!"
The man sank into a seat, so Dare took them up and turned the craft south.
    "Right. To Loxley. I'm going
up high first. Do we have any kind of marker on the ground there?"
    It was the Captain right next to
him that answered, his voice a bit stressed.
    "Three small green lights?
They weren't ready for floods, I guess. We need to build a levee wall. We have
the equipment, but are going to need light."
    Dareg took them straight up,
moved south, and lowered a lot. After about five minutes of sinking, Captain
Jones pointed his face tense.
    "There we go, right there.
Three lights. Green. Or close enough. One is blue, but I bet that's it. Shall
    Nodding they sank toward the
light, to find a clutch of men standing on top of a stone structure that was
long and sort of road like. Also surrounded by water. Meaning there was no
place to land easily.
    It was clear that the thing was
made of focus stone, once he closed with the structure, though it seemed older.
It was part of a city wall. Both sides had water on it however, though inside
you could just make out the buildings.
    They were clearly supposed to
    Nowhere. Before Jones had an
issue with that, Dare worked out what to do.
    "I can let you off on the
wall. Then I'll move over to where the work is needed, and make the ship glow
brighter, so you can all see what's needed."
    The men and women in black had
all charged onto his craft, running the whole

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