Betrayal: Kyle's Revenge (The Betrayal Series)

Free Betrayal: Kyle's Revenge (The Betrayal Series) by Sofia Velardi

Book: Betrayal: Kyle's Revenge (The Betrayal Series) by Sofia Velardi Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sofia Velardi
a movie or just hang. What do you say?”
    “Sounds perfect. I will see you tonight then.” A quiet night was not what Abby had planned for them that evening. But she didn’t want to let Brianna in on her little plan. Another reason she needed to leave early was because she needed time to prepare the surprise.
    After putting her clothes and shoes back on and gathering her bag and phone, Abby stepped towards the front door and Brianna followed her there.
    “I’m so glad you’re moving in here,” Brianna smiled. “I like waking up next to you, but without you having to run out of here at the crack of dawn.”
    “I know. I’m sorry, but I already promised Jeremy I’d open the store today. I promise I’ll make it up to you when I see you tonight.”
    With a brief kiss, Abby and Brianna said goodbye to each other that morning, and Abby went home.
    In the cab, on the way to her apartment, Abby checked her phone for messages or calls from Kyle. She was surprised to not find any. Kyle had never gone twenty four hours without calling or texting her. Concerned, Abby dialed Kyle, but the call went straight to voicemail. She called him again from the apartment before leaving for work and again on her way to the bookstore. Abby got Kyle’s voicemail every single time. She also texted him several times, and nothing.
    After many failed attempts to get Kyle on his phone, Abby called Kyle’s mother. Mrs. Garrett, who was thrilled to hear her future daughter-in-law’s voice, told Abby Kyle was fine but still asleep. After some chitchatting about the reunion and other things, Abby asked Mrs. Garrett to tell her son to call her and then hung up. With the knowledge that nothing bad had happened to Kyle, Abby went on with her day.

    Chapter VI
    Kyle woke majorly hung over later that morning. He was sorer than he was the night before. His head was pounding, and his jaw still hurt. The glare filtering through his bedroom’s window was making his hangover worse. Lying on his stomach, Kyle reached behind himself and pulled his phone out of the back pocket of his jeans. He looked at the time and saw it was almost noon. He dropped the phone on the bed and buried his face on the pillow.
    He could only remember bits and pieces of what happened the night before. Abby’s betrayal, however, he remembered vividly. It was the one thing he could not forget but wished he could. He wished he had never met that conniving, deceitful girl. He wanted to go back to sleep so he wouldn’t have to think about his cheating girlfriend, but the nausea building in the back of his throat forced him to get off the bed and find something to throw up in.
    Holding his pounding head with his hands, Kyle dragged himself to the bathroom where he spent a good half hour throwing up with his head inside the toilet. He stopped retching long enough to hear a soft knock on his bedroom’s door.
    “Kyle, honey? May I come in?” Mrs. Garrett asked from the other side of Kyle’s bedroom door.
    Kyle wiped his mouth and staggered out of the bathroom. “Come in, ma.” Kyle grunted while collapsing back on his bed and lying on his stomach.
    Mrs. Garrett walked in, holding a cup of hot tea and a bottle of pills. She sat down on a chair next to the bed and placed the tea and the pills on the nightstand.
    “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” she asked. “I just got off the phone with my friend Margaret. She told me you were at her husband’s bar last night. She said you were falling down drunk and got into a fight with a very scary man.”
    Kyle grunted and pulled a pillow over his head. He mentally cursed Phil and his loose lips. The last thing Kyle wanted was for his mother to find out what happened the previous night. But now that she knew, Kyle needed to do whatever he could to ease her mind. He flipped around to lie on his back and then sat up.
    “It’s nothing ma. I told you. I’m fine,” Kyle lied, avoiding his mother’s gaze and reaching for the

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