The Bright Black Sea
    'Likely because he couldn't tell you without it
sounding like he was bragging about his loyalty. And because we
settled things the way two tramp captains would've done it. Nothing
more need be said. I, however, have no problem giving him his
proper credit. He's a good and loyal captain.'
    'And you, Litang?' she asked watching me closely.
'Are you a good and loyal captain?'
    'Oh, I'm neither selflessly loyal nor naïve,' I said,
carefully. 'Jann and I settled the issue as any two tramp captains
would've. Still, there's no denying I chose to take a very narrow
view of my orders – or rather the lack of them – and was prepared
to ignore them completely if Jann decided not to put the Comet
King in play. I don't know how you view that, but I'm prepared
to pay the consequences.'
    'What do you think those consequences should be?'
    'Not for me to say. You should, however, employ
people you can rely on. My appointment as acting captain ended with
the delivery of the verified accounts, so the Lost Star is
now without a captain. You're free to appoint whom you'd like.'
    'Why do you say your appointment has ended?'
    'While Captain Vinden confirmed my acting appointment
after the death of Captain Miccall, he specified that it was only
to our return to Calissant and implied that he'd others in mind
with stronger claims to the berth.'
    'I wasn't aware of that understanding. I don't
believe it's on record, though much of his business was conducted
in his head.'
    'I still have the radio-packet which I can send along
to you.'
    'Oh, I believe you. Are you that anxious to give up
    I shrugged. 'I was, at one time. Now, well, less so.
Truth is, I've come to rather like being Captain if I'm to be
completely honest.'
    'And I'll be honest with you. At the moment, I've no
one at hand to replace you. Can I assume you'd be willing to
continue on as captain until we know its ultimate fate?'
    'Yes, of course. I don't want to complicate things.
Keeping the Lost Star sailing is my only concern so if
there's anything I can do to help, just ask.'
    'Right. Then we'll keep things as they are and
postpone any further discussion until after we've achieved that
goal,' she said briskly, adding, 'Now I've some practical matters
to cover concerning the current status of your
ship , Captain.'
    'At your service,' I said, enjoying the little jolt
of happiness your ship and Captain gave me.
    'Right.' She proceeded to briefly outline her plans
to negotiate with the Ministry of Death, and what she needed from
me, and on to the practical details of paying off the crew and the
necessity of informing them that if the Lost Star remained
in commission, emergency Guild wage rates would apply.
    'Finally, and this is strictly between us for the
moment – Phylea has heard a rumor that the BlueStar Line is no
longer going to serve Calissant. If true, it leaves the Tiladore
Planetary recruitment operation in the lurch. They've lined up
three thousand immigrants and are set to sail in little over three
weeks. If this rumor proves true we might be able to charter the Lost Star to them. Between the suspended animation boxes and
the immigrant's worldly goods, it looks to be an eighty container
consignment with the usual human cargo premium – a very profitable
charter to secure should it indeed become available. Plus it would
get her back to the Sanre-tay quarter where
there's still cargoes to be found.'
    'Neb, that'd be great! Almost too good to be true.
You'd think BlueStar wouldn't pass on that cargo.'
    'Well, the BlueStar Line may still send one of their
ships to fulfill their agreement, however, given their cost
structures, it might not be worth it. Lines operate on a different
scale than tramps. In any event, we'll know more in a few days. And
of course not only will there be other parties interested in the
charter, but we'll have to clear it with the Ministry as well. In
any event, just keep this to yourself for now. With your crew
downside, I'd rather not

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