The Bright Black Sea
risk the word getting around. The local
tramp shipowners haven't given up and it's in their interest to see
as many of Uncle Hawk's ships taken out of service as possible,'
she added, and standing to dismiss me, 'I believe I've covered
everything for now. Thank you. It's been interesting.'
    'Thank you. And anything I can do, don't hesitate to
ask,' I said pushing myself to my feet. Damn that gravity...
    And like an undetected meteor, an idea struck me with
a mental 'clang' and I said, without thinking, 'Say Min, Are you
free tonight?'
    'Captain Litang?' She gave a slight start, caught off
guard, but added in a distinctly chilly tone, 'I see I must learn
to deal with tramp captains who do things their own way...'
    Blast! Just what I didn't want to do. Could I repair
the damage?
    'We like directness,' I ventured with a tentative
smile. 'Saves time and money. However, in this case, I was speaking
as the thought struck me and should've chosen my words more
precisely. What I meant to say was, Would you honor us by being our
guest at a banquet aboard ship tonight? I'm
embarrassed that the idea hadn't occurred to me before this
instant. If I had my wits about me, I'd have sent you an invitation
on arrival. Please overlook my abrupt and offhanded invitation and
accompany me up to the Lost Star for a Mycolmtreian
    'Thank you, but I, I have work to do.' She looked
away, out into the grey mist, searching for a better, a believable,
    Perhaps I should've left the matter rest, but that
didn't suit my Neb may care attitude, so I said, 'I'll take that
feeble excuse as a yes. You can't work all night, so I'll wait
until you wrap up work and we can be off to the
ship. '
    She looked back to me. 'I'm not sure what you're
inviting me to.'
    'We're staging a banquet to celebrate surviving the
voyage under the command of yours truly. Since we're going to be
paid off and may be downside for some time, we've harvested our
moss garden crops and the Drays are even now preparing an expansive
feast. As a former shipmate, the agent of our current owner, great
niece of our late owner and daughter of our late bookkeepers and
agents, you must certainly be our guest of honor. Indeed, with all
those connections, I'd venture to say it's your duty. It'll give
you the chance to see everyone and make the old gang very happy.
Plus you'll see the ship alive with everyone on board. Please join
us,' I added earnestly.
    She looked away again into the fog for a moment,
shrugged, and nodded, 'You've not left me any maneuvering room, so
all I can say is that I'd be delighted to join the company of the Lost Star to celebrate their safe return. I can imagine how
harrowing it must have been for them,' she added with a faint
    'For me most of all. It'll be grand. You'll bring so
many good memories with you – a barrier against an uncertain
future, which is what this banquet is really about.'
    'It will be wonderful to see everyone, the Lost
Star and taste Mycolmtreian cuisine once again. When should I
    'We'll go up together. You'll be my surprise guest.
I'll just hang about and annoy your staff while you finish up. I'll
signal Molaye to bring the gig down for us.'
    'Not necessary. These days I'm living aboard the Silvery Moon and go up every evening, so you can ride with
me. I suppose I should stop first at the ' Moon to change
into something more festive.'
    'You look dashing as you are. This will be, after
all, just a tramp ship soiree which'll doubtlessly sink into a
right carouse. And there's no need to hurry, it's not slated to
start before this evening. I'll wait out in the office.

Chapter 08 Calissant Anchorage
    We took a flier through the night to the glowing
patch of fog that marked Yacht Club clubhouse. Attempts at
conversation were tentative, bordering on awkward, so we let the
silences run on. An observation here or there sufficed.
    The Yacht Club's underground velowalks may be
cleaner, faster and warmer than those of

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