A Fatal Visit (A Harbor Cove Cozy Mystery Book 1)

Free A Fatal Visit (A Harbor Cove Cozy Mystery Book 1) by Emily Page

Book: A Fatal Visit (A Harbor Cove Cozy Mystery Book 1) by Emily Page Read Free Book Online
Authors: Emily Page
going to hire a new assistant. You know I hate the dentist,” she texted Nichole.
    “Ms. Avery will thank me when it gets her closer to solving this mystery,” came the reply.
    “If, Nichole. If.”
    A man in his late fifties peered out into the waiting room, a clipboard in his hand. “Skyler Avery?” he called. She stood up and followed him. “I understand you’re just here for a check-up today?”
    She nodded. “Yes. I believe my…uh, assistant informed you that I’m looking for a new dentist?”
    “I’m sure we can help you out.” He opened the door for her and gestured that she sit in the chair. “I’m Thomas Perkins, by the way.” He had a warm smile.
    I’m sitting through a dental exam to solve a case. The cold, clinical feel of the examination made her shudder, but Mr. Perkins did his best to be reassuring. He made small talk, asked what line of business she was in, commented on the weather. Skyler did her best to reply in between having fingers and dental instruments in her mouth.
    “Your teeth are very healthy, Skyler. I don’t think you’re going to have any problems. Did you have any questions?”
    “Just one or two.” She hesitated as he waited. “I actually know your daughter.”
    His eyebrows raised, but his expression didn’t otherwise change. “You know Aubrey?”
    Skyler nodded. “I’m…um, trying to solve the Chase Myers case.” He stopped smiling.
    “And?” His tone was strained.
    Skyler coughed. “I was wondering if you could perhaps answer some questions about your daughter’s relationship with Mr. Myers.”
    Anger contorted his features. “Who are you, Ms. Avery, to be prying with questions like that?” He stood up and turned away from her to face the window. “The only thing I shall say about Chase Myers is that he ruined my daughter’s life.” He looked over his shoulder. “Please leave.”
    “You could help me bring some closure to your daughter. Don’t you want that?” Skyler asked, taking a step toward him.
    He whipped back around. “If you knew her, you would likely know that she doesn’t need closure. Before Myers, my daughter had a chance to be something. Something that isn’t a dropout. I am not placing unfair blame on him. Aubrey understands that her life would be far better right now if she had never met Chase Myers.” He glanced down at the floor and then straight back at her. “Leave, before I call the police.”
    “Well if I have to go to the dentist, you have to talk to her friends,” Nichole muttered to herself. “I guess I gleaned a bit of information. And I suppose it is between her and Dustin now…ladyfingers. Maybe that’s what he meant, that it was Aubrey.” She glanced around her room. The previously cascading paper piles were now arranged into neat stacks. “At least it’s a bit cleaner in here now.”
    Glancing at her phone, she saw a text from Skyler. “Dentist dad is suspicious. Very angry, very hostile. Starting to get a picture of what might have happened. I’ll be home soon and we can discuss and compare.”
    “Discussion and comparison calls for tea and chocolate.” She paused, frowning at herself in the mirror. “We drink an awful lot of tea, don’t we?…I need to stop talking to myself.”
    Clue was sitting directly outside her bedroom door, and she wagged her tail as Nichole exited the room. She patted the dog on the head, and Clue followed her into the kitchen. The dog stared at her as she boiled water in the kettle.
    “What?” Clue wagged her tail again. Nichole dropped tea bags into a pot. Clue followed the motions with her eyes. “What?” Clue wagged her tail once more. “Fine, but don’t tell Skyler.”
    Nichole reached into the cookie jar and pulled out some plain shortbread. Then she tossed it to the waiting dog. When she looked up, Skyler was standing in the doorway to the kitchen, eyebrow raised.

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