The Sheikh's Amulet (Sheikh's Wedding Bet Series Book 3)

Free The Sheikh's Amulet (Sheikh's Wedding Bet Series Book 3) by Leslie North

Book: The Sheikh's Amulet (Sheikh's Wedding Bet Series Book 3) by Leslie North Read Free Book Online
Authors: Leslie North
ma’am,” he said, but he didn’t move.
    Rolling her eyes, she returned her attentions back to her book.
    When a shadow fell over her, it scared her so much that she shrieked and jumped.
    “Whoa!” Jaymin said as he held his hands up. “It’s just me. Don’t be scared.”
    “Damn it,” she said as she picked up her book. “Someone in those shoes should not be able to sneak up on me.”
    “I have two younger brothers. I learned the art of sneaking a long time ago,” he said wryly.
    Intrigued, she looked up and smiled at him. “Oh really? So you weren’t always the uptight older brother?”
    “No,” he said with a chuckle as he took the chaise next to hers. “For a few years, I was just the older brother who took delight in tormenting Masoud and Adil. I suppose when my father told me that I should look out for them rather than tease them, I took it a little too seriously.”
    Tamrin swept her eyes critically over him. He was still dressed in his suit from the conference, and he sat up rather than lounged in the chair. Jaymin could not have looked more out of place in an environment where he was supposed to relax and enjoy himself.
    “I bet I could fix that,” she murmured to herself.
    “What was that?” he asked.
    Putting her book down, she swung her legs over the side and stood. Holding out her hand, she smiled seductively at him. “Come with me. And see if you can’t give us a little privacy in our room.”
    “Why is that?” The look of anticipation on his face told her that he knew very well what she had in mind.
    “Your conference is over, and I don’t see any family members here to remind you of all the responsibility on your shoulders. You have the whole weekend to relax.”
    He took her hand and stood. “And you don’t think I can relax right here by the pool?” he asked teasingly.
    Tamrin rolled her eyes. “Please. You hardly look relaxed. I think I know something that can help you with that.”
    He didn’t say anything as they walked down the brick steps to the villas. Through the green gardens, she stepped nimbly on the brick path until they ducked under the vines to the private entrance to their balcony. Jaymin stopped to murmur something in the guard’s ear and immediately the three guards inside came out to take positions outside the door.
    Feeling her heart beat against her chest, she pulled him inside and shut the door. Jaymin immediately framed her face with his hands and forced her head up to look at him. “We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do,” he said softly. “I asked you here to help you relax.”
    She reached for the belt over her cover up and slowly pulled the ties out of the loops. “So you didn’t bring me here to seduce me?” she asked with a smile.
    His eyes widened when the cover up dropped away. Standing in only her bikini, she pulled his hands away from her face and slid them over her shoulders. His thumbs brushed along the curves of her breasts, and once they skimmed along her bare abdomen, she reached up to tug on his tie.
    “I’d be lying if I didn’t say that the thought hadn’t crossed my mind,” he said in a thick voice.
    “Don’t think about what you thought we would do or what you wanted to do. Think only about this. We have to live in the moment. It’s all that we really have,” she whispered.
    “You are dangerous,” he said hoarsely as his hand roamed even lower. When he swept his fingers across the covered apex of her legs, her breath hitched, and she leaned into his touch.
    “More,” she demanded softly. Tugging on his shirt, she slipped the buttons out of their holes and spread the palms of her hands over his bare chest. Every fantasy that had been running in her dreams the past couple of nights was coming to life right before her. She’d never wanted another man as much as she wanted Jaymin.
    His thumb continued to caress her, and she pulled his head down for a deep kiss. Thrusting into his touch, she moaned and

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