Once We Were

Free Once We Were by Aundrea M Lopez

Book: Once We Were by Aundrea M Lopez Read Free Book Online
Authors: Aundrea M Lopez
with the ongoing threat of legal proceedings?”
    Ioan stood frozen and dumfound. He wanted to say something to the women and children. Their relentless hatred left him motionless. He could say nothing.
    “Has White Star Line paid you for your silence?”
    “ My patient deserves his right to silence as any other survivor! He merits the respect due to all after this tragedy!” the doctor bellowed.
    “ What about the rights and respect of the hundreds of third class passengers left to drown in the hull of the ship?” someone demanded. “Is it true the officers ordered the stewards to lock the gates so third class passengers could not make their way up to the lifeboats? Is it true the boats were reserved for first class passengers only?”
    “ Many are calling White Star Line and the crew aboard murderers for ignoring danger signs and handling the situation like unwittingly. Is it true that more than half of the lifeboats were not filled to capacity? What have you to say of these accusations, Mr. Saier?”
    “ Murderers?” Ioan growled. Blood throbbed fiercely in his ears. “I can't speak for a lot of things, but I will not have you tarnish the gallantry of those officers and crew who are not with us. The men who stepped away from a lifeboat when it came time to save themselves. How many of you would have done the same? How many stood beside the band members, or the engineers, or the electricians, or the cooks, or the seamen, or the officers who were never recovered? This tragedy doesn't belong to one family. We all suffer. A woman didn't get her husband, and a girl will never see her father again because he did what was right in his last hour. Pain, loss, despair are indescribable. It hurts like hell to lose someone who means every measure of breath to you. Call it what you will. Whatever version you choose to believe, there is one truth that will always stand and those men demand your respect.”
    A small boy shoved Ioan back. His chest heaved fiercely. “Murderers!” he shouted through tearful eyes. He spat at Ioan's shoes. His mother yanked him away. Pens scraped fiercely against notepads. No one used the wretched word again, but continued to smother Ioan for answers.
    Cora brushed through the crowd. “Step aside!” she ordered. She stood guard in front of Ioan. Her eyes dared anyone to come close. “Stop this, all of you! This behavior is unacceptable toward any human being!”
    “ Madam, are you a White Star Line representative?”
    “ Are you his wife?”
    “ Did you serve on the Titanic?”
    “ What have you to say about this tragedy?”
    “ Cora, I wish you hadn't got yourself into this,” Ioan said into her ear. She clasped his hand tightly in hers. “I'm here in your corner, Ioan.”
    The car stopped behind the mob. Mr. Spruce charged out. “Out of my way! My client won't answer anymore of your questions!”
    “I'm not leaving you here,” Ioan said to Cora. “Get in the car. I'll see you off to your father.” He made certain she was safely in the car before getting inside. Mr. Spruce turned crimson as he continued shouting down the crowd. He dived into the passenger seat. “Drive, Mr. Knightly. Get him far away from this place.”
    “ I don't need to go far,” Cora said. “If you could leave me at the station, my father is waiting there.”
    “ Mr. Spruce, I believe the station is that way,” Ioan informed him.
    “ We'll get to it,” Mr. Spruce remarked. “We're just taking a little detour.”
    “ We aren't going anywhere near it,” Ioan protested. “I won't keep Miss Harlow any longer.”
    “ It won't take too long,” Mr. Spruce assured.
    “ I'm actually quite refreshed, thank you,” she defended herself.
    “ You don't even realize it. You're knackered,” Ioan persisted.
    “ What's this all about?” Cora smiled at Mr. Spruce. “Why does he look so nervous?”
    “ Excuse us, Miss Harlow. Business requires a visit to the old Saier property. It will only take a minute,”

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