Flesh: Part Thirteen (The Flesh Series Book 13)

Free Flesh: Part Thirteen (The Flesh Series Book 13) by Sky Corgan

Book: Flesh: Part Thirteen (The Flesh Series Book 13) by Sky Corgan Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sky Corgan

    Only the beginning.
    I glance down my
body at the vibrator, knowing that I'm completely at Lucian's mercy.
If he wanted to, he could make me climax until I can't stand it
anymore. I wonder if it's even possible to get to that point.
    “ Sir,”
I exhale slowly.
    “ I
love it when you call me Sir,” he purrs into my ear, his finger
slipping from between my folds to climb back up my body.
    I expect him to
grope my breast again, but instead his hand withdraws from me when it
gets to my hip. Silently, I mourn the loss of his touch.
    Lucian's hand rounds
my face out of my peripheral vision. He holds the dial up to my mouth
and says, “Open.”
    I give it a confused
look before doing what I'm told. When I part my lips, he gently slips
the dial into my mouth. Instantly I taste the salt of his fingers on
the plastic. I cringe slightly at the thought of how many germs are
on the thing, but I quickly get over it. At least he's not making me
lick his shoes. Hopefully, that never happens, because that's where
I'd have to draw the line.
    “ Close,”
he tells me, and I lightly clamp my teeth around the dial.
    Lucian places his
hands on my ribs and slides them down my body, feeling my curves.
Even though I know it won't do any good, I still suck in. My sides
are far from smooth, and I definitely don't feel sexy with him
touching me like this.
    “ That's
better. I like being able to touch you with both hands.” His
fingertips walk back up my sides, causing me to wiggle slightly from
being ticklish. I stifle a giggle and grip the dial in my mouth even
tighter. Somehow my tongue must have nudged it because I feel the
massager come on again, though the vibrations are so low that there's
no threat of me climaxing from it.
    Lucian's hands glide
up my ribcage before cupping my breasts. He pulls me back against
him, his thumbs and forefingers pinching and tugging at my perked
nipples. A soft moan rumbles from my throat, and I close my eyes,
feeling my core throb with tiny contractions that seem to be extended
by the vibration of the massager.
    I tilt my head to
the side and relax against the metal bar behind me as Lucian's
fingers press into the pillowy flesh of my breasts. I can feel his
cock against my ass. Even though it's buried beneath layers of
clothing, I can tell that he's hard. I want to moan out the word Sir,
but I dare not open my mouth.
    Lucian's hands move
down my body again, tracing the same path that they took to get to my
breasts. They stop on my hips and his grip tightens as he pulls them
to the side. For a moment, I feel off balance. My body is rigid as I
give resistance, confused about what he wants.
    “ Lean
to the side a bit. I don't want your ass centered with the bar,”
he tells me, and I instantly comply, even though the position is a
bit uncomfortable.
    A gentle slap on my
ass causes me to jump, making the metal tower I'm bound to rattle. It
also reminds me of how unstable I feel, so I curl my toes against the
cool metal platform to better ground myself. The sting of the slap is
only momentary, hardly painful at all. More like a pleasant warmth.
He spanks me once more before taking my ass in both hands and
squeezing it.
    My cheeks instantly
flush, my self-consciousness coming to the forefront of my thoughts.
Hopefully, he doesn't think I have a fat ass. I do kind of have a fat
    Lucian gropes my
butt similarly to how he did my breasts, his fingers kneading deeply
into the flesh. I'm embarrassed that he's spending so much time on
it. Even more embarrassed when he pulls my ass cheeks apart. It makes
my muscles flex.
    “ Relax,”
he chuckles. I'm glad he thinks this is so amusing because I
certainly don't.
    When I feel one of
his fingertips poke at my asshole, my muscles tighten even more.
Since I can't speak, I mumble my protest. Something along the lines
of a pathetically incoherent, “No.”
    Assplay has never
been something of interest to me. Anal, even less. I've always
thought it was dirty.

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