His Convenient Virgin Bride

Free His Convenient Virgin Bride by Barbara Dunlop

Book: His Convenient Virgin Bride by Barbara Dunlop Read Free Book Online
Authors: Barbara Dunlop
barely leave a scar.
    The swimming hole was a favorite place for Stephanie. Water from a small tributary to the Windy River trickled down a waterfall and gathered in a deep pool, hollowed out over millennia. The semicircle cliffs were open to the east, so the morning sun soaked into the granite, heating the water, keeping it comfortable all summer long.
    It was near noon, and the sun streamed down on Amber’s wet, blond hair, reflecting in her jewel-blue eyes.
    “And actually marry him?” Stephanie swiped her own wet hair back from her forehead, tucking it behind her ears.
    “You are having his baby.”
    “And, we’re practically strangers.”
    “Not completely.” Amber’s eyes took on a meaningful gleam.
    Stephanie glared in return. “Nobody gets married because of a baby anymore.”
    Amber didn’t answer, but an opposing opinion all but oozed from her pores.
    “What?” Stephanie prompted.
    “You’re pregnant, Steph.”
    “I know that.” Stephanie had tried hard to push it from her mind. But the reality wasn’t going anywhere.
    “A husband might not be such a bad thing.”
    “I thought you’d be on my side.”
    “I am on your side.”
    Stephanie snorted her disbelief.
    “We’re only suggesting you give it a try.”
    “And if I fail?” Which was a foregone conclusion in Stephanie’s mind. And therefore the entire exercise was a waste of time.
    “Then you fail. Nothing ventured—”
    “We’re talking marriage, Amber.” Stephanie couldn’t believe her future sister-in-law could be so cavalier about something so serious. Maybe Stephanie was a hopeless romantic, but she didn’t want to stand up in front of God and her family and take vows she didn’t mean.
    “It doesn’t have to be a traditional marriage.”
    “Maybe that’s what I want.”
    Amber cocked her head, silent for a few moments. “Are you saying you have feelings for Alec?”
    “No!” Stephanie’s denial was quick. Her emotions caught up a split second later. She didn’t have feelings for Alec. She wouldn’t allow herself to have feelings for Alec. “I just want…”
    “Normal. I want something about this entire mess to be normal.”
    “Define normal.” Now Amber was being deliberately obtuse.
    “A date? A candlelight dinner? Maybe a movie? Something, anything even a little bit romantic.”
    Amber snorted out a laugh. “What’s romantic? Melissa went undercover and spied on Jared, and Royce picked me up in a bar.” She snapped off a twig and tossed it into the pond. “I was a one-night stand that never went home.”
    Despite herself, Stephanie’s interest was piqued. “You and Royce had a one-night stand?”
    “Not the first night.”
    “Which night?”
    “None of your business.”
    “Did you know you loved him?”
    “Not at the time.”
    “Were you a virgin?”
    “But you loved him later. So, somewhere, deep down inside, you must have known.”
    “Don’t do this, Stephanie.”
    Stephanie clamped her jaw. Amber was right. Comparing herself to Melissa and Amber was futile. They were with men that they loved, men who would stick around, share their lives forever.
    Leaves crackled on the trail behind them, and Stephanie turned to see Alec emerge from the trees.
    His attention was fixed on Stephanie. “Royce told me I’d find you here.”
    Amber made to stand up, but Stephanie grabbed at her arm. “Don’t go.”
    “You two have a lot to talk about.”
    “We’ve already talked.” Stephanie had no desire for a repeat argument. She didn’t have the energy.
    Amber glanced up, obviously assessing Alec’s expression. “I don’t think you’re done yet.” She came to her feet, stepping her way out of the pool where she snagged a towel from a rock. Then she stuffed her feet into a pair of bright blue thongs.
    Stephanie braced herself as Alec crouched down beside her. He was wearing a pair of lightweight khakis and plain, white dress shirt. His shoes were too formal, but at least

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