Get Wallace!

Free Get Wallace! by Alexander Wilson

Book: Get Wallace! by Alexander Wilson Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexander Wilson
and cause bitterness between the powers.’
    ‘Tell me, Monsieur Damien,’ solicited Wallace; ‘in what manner is your government expected to reply to this latest demand?’
    ‘If the money is not paid by January the fifteenth—’
    ‘Yes: I know that, but to whom is the reply to go? Another notification in The Times ?’
    Monsieur Damien nodded slowly.
    ‘That is so,’ he affirmed. ‘It is to appear no later than the twelfth, and must be worded thus: “France desires to preserve the peace of Europe.” Instructions – that is the word used, mind you; the canaille ! – instructions will then be sent regarding the time and place for the exchange to be made.’
    ‘January the twelfth,’ commented the Foreign Secretary. ‘We have twenty-one days then.’
    ‘Twenty-one days to save two hundred million francs for France,’ put in Wallace, ‘but nothing like that to prevent our own stolen secrets from being sold to Russia or Germany. Negotiations may even now be proceeding.’ He rose from his chair. ‘For our own sake and for yours, Monsieur Damien,’ he declared, ‘you may rest assured that every effort will be made to break up this organisation, and obtain possession of all copies of French and English plans now apparently held by it.’
    The Chief of the French Secret Service rose also, and bowed.
    ‘You will find France very grateful I assure you, monsieur,’ he proclaimed. For a moment he stood as though irresolute. ‘There is one thing more I have to beg of you,’ he added presently.
    ‘And that is?’
    ‘In the event of your proving successful, and documents of secret and vital importance to France falling into your hands, may I ask for your assurance that you will not divulge anything you read in them?’
    ‘I expected you to ask that,’ smiled Sir Leonard. ‘Will you, on your part, give me your word that there is nothing contained in them of a nature inimical or damaging to Great Britain, herdominions or colonies, or to any country or person receiving the protection of Great Britain?’
    ‘Most assuredly, monsieur,’ returned the Frenchman at once. ‘Of our frontier fortifications you will gather that the plans and details cannot contain anything inimical to your country or its dependencies. With regard to the plans for offensive and defensive alliances, there is nothing in them which Britain can object to. Their publication at this time would be of great inconvenience, that is all. It may be necessary for you or your assistants to look through the documents to ascertain that they are the correct ones – you will thus be able to see for yourself that they are in no way damaging to your country. You have my word of honour, monsieur.’
    ‘Thank you,’ acknowledged Wallace. ‘I can promise with a clear conscience, therefore, that nothing seen by me, or anybody representing me, in the documents belonging to France will ever be divulged.’
    He held out his hand which Monsieur Damien grasped warmly.
    ‘I go from here with joyful heart,’ he declared. ‘I feel already that France is saved.’
    ‘Don’t be too sanguine, monsieur,’ warned Sir Leonard. ‘I may fail.’
    Damien smiled.
    ‘It has been said, and with great envy, by colleagues in my department,’ he confided, ‘that Sir Leonard Wallace never fails. Whenever you are in France, or passing through, it is a matter of the greatest concern, and I may add the gravest concern. You see, monsieur, I continue to be frank with you?’
    ‘That is why I am invariably shadowed I presume,’ commented Sir Leonard drily.
    For a moment the Frenchman was nonplussed; then he smiled again.
    ‘Since you know, why should I deny it?’ he observed with a shrug of his shoulders; adding slyly: ‘In a way I suppose such vigilance is useless. If Sir Leonard Wallace did not want France to know he was on her shores, I am very much afraid France would not know.’
    Shortly afterwards he took his leave, after thanking the Foreign Secretary for his

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