Desired by a Lord (Regency Unlaced 5)

Free Desired by a Lord (Regency Unlaced 5) by Carole Mortimer

Book: Desired by a Lord (Regency Unlaced 5) by Carole Mortimer Read Free Book Online
Authors: Carole Mortimer
the contracting walls of her sheath. That cry became a loud and ecstatic moan as that first finger was joined by a second, stretching her as the soft pad of his thumb now pressed against the throbbing and exposed nubbin above. Moving to the same rhythm as he suckled and bit her nipples, and his fingers thrust in and out of her grasping channel.
    “Come for me, Emily,” Xander encouraged gruffly, eyes navy blue as he looked at her.
    Did he mean that blinding pleasure she had experienced last night? Was that called coming —
    Those thrusting fingers curled inside her, stroking some hitherto unknown cluster of nerve endings and causing the pleasure to rush and then explode inside her. Fiercer, stronger than the release she had experienced the previous night, her juices flowing copiously over Xander’s fingers, the walls of her channel contracted about them.
    Xander watched Emily in the throes of her release, her head thrown back, lids closed, lips slightly parted, throat arched. Her breasts were thrust forward over her corset, nipples red and swollen from the ministrations of his lips, tongue, and teeth.
    He continued to look at her as he lifted his other hand, squeezing and pinching one elongated nipple and then the other, prolonging her release as her pussy grasped and squeezed his fingers. He could feel the hot gush of her juices coating his digits as they continued to press that knot of nerves deep inside her.
    “No more, Xander. Please, no more,” she finally groaned weakly, having slumped down in the chair, eyes dark, her cheeks flushed.
    His cock strained against his pantaloons as he gently withdrew his fingers before placing both hands on her thighs and slowly pushing her gown up even farther to fully reveal her white drawers. The slit up the middle gaped open from the invasion of his fingers, revealing the dampness of her auburn curls. Her nether lips were plump and red, and slick with her juices. The fully exposed nubbin above still pulsed from her orgasm.
    Xander licked his lips. “I have to taste you.”
    “I do not— Oh God…!”
    Xander felt intoxicated by her aroma as he ran his tongue along the seam of her pussy, licking up all the sweet-tasting juices before turning his attention to the nubbin above, moistening and stroking that hard nub until it once again stood as erect and throbbing as his cock.
    “Xander…?” Her cry was only half in protest, and she fell silent again, hands tightly gripping the arms of the chair as her hips rose and fell to meet the strokes of his tongue against that hardened and sensitized bud.
    He slid his fingers inside her pussy again, two and then three, pumping them inside her while his tongue lashed that pulsing bud. The nubbin swelled against his tongue seconds before he felt, and then tasted, her second release.
    Which was the moment Xander realized Emily was sobbing. Deep, racking sobs that shook her whole body, the tears streaming down her cheeks.
    He frowned his concern as he sat back on his heels. “Did I hurt you?”
    She gave a wordless shake of her head. But the tears continuing to fall down her cheeks indicated otherwise, as did her white-knuckled grip on the chair.
    Xander pulled her gown down her thighs before rising to his feet. “Please believe I meant only to give you pleasure.”
    “You did not hurt me.” She pulled her chemise and the top of her gown back into place between sobs. “It is only… I had not realized…” She buried her face in her hands.
    Xander was at a loss to understand the reason for her tears. If he had not hurt her, and Emily claimed he had not, then what… “This is the first time you have experienced physical pleasure,” he realized with a frown.
    “Yes! No! Well…not quite.” Heat now suffused her cheeks with color.
    He studied her closely, noting that color, the way she chewed on her bottom lip, and the manner in which her gaze avoided meeting his. “You have given yourself physical pleasure in the past,” he finally

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