The Inconvenient Bride

Free The Inconvenient Bride by Anne McAllister

Book: The Inconvenient Bride by Anne McAllister Read Free Book Online
Authors: Anne McAllister
theater an’ a hangin’ staircase.” He jabbed the paper in front of him.
    Frankie’s characters always lived in great places—detailed places that were masterpieces of fantasy and engineering that were actually even more fascinating than the adventures they had.
    Sierra crossed the room and bent to study his latest creation. “Wow. I’d like to live in a place like that.” She ruffled a hand through his sleep-mussed hair.
    â€œPretty neat, huh? I’ll build you one someday,” Frankie promised. “A real one. When I’m an architect.”
    When he was an architect…
    That was his true love. For all that he created fanciful stories, the houses were a bigger passion. Becoming an architect was Frankie’s dream. The day she’d first met him, he’d said, “I’m gonna be an architect.”
    â€œWhen I’m an architect…” was almost a daily refrain.
    Lately just hearing those words hurt and made Sierra worry that they might not come true. But today they didn’t pain her the way they had. Now she could actually smile and tap the end of his nose and say, “A house like that? I’m going to hold you to it, buddy.”
    Frankie grinned. Then he sobered. “You missed Star Trek last night.”
    â€œI had to go out.”
    â€œTo dinner with a…with a friend.” She would explain about Dominic later. Now she gave him a tap on the nose. “I’ll catch you later, pal. Gotta run. Got to be uptown in—yikes!—twenty minutes.”
    Pam was waiting in the living room, her cheeks aglow with color for the first time since the doctor had told her Frankie needed a transplant a month ago. Since then she’d been looking like her world was crumbling around her feet. Now she looked nervous, worried, and just the tiniest bit hopeful.
    And when Sierra came back into the room, Pammie clutched her hands and started to cry.
    â€œStop that!” Sierra commanded, horrified. She snatched a tissue from the box on the desk and thrust it at Pammie. “Stop it right now!”
    â€œI can’t help it. I know you said he loves you, but do you love him? It’s like you’re selling your soul and I’m just…just… letting you! ”
    â€œOf course I love him,” Sierra said, and wondered if she was lying or not. “I’m not selling my soul! I’m giving Frankie a chance. Dominic is giving Frankie a chance.”
    â€œAnd you’ll be all right?” Pam was still worried.
    â€œI’ll be fine. I’m going to live in a posh apartment and be Mrs. Dominic Got Rocks. How could I not be fine?”
    â€œMoney isn’t important,” Pammie protested, then had thegrace to look abashed because they both knew that in this case—in Frankie’s case—it was.
    Sierra gave her friend a gentle hug. “I know that. Dominic knows it, too.” At least she hoped he did.
    Still Pammie shook her head and dabbed at her eyes.
    Sierra gave her one last squeeze. “I have to get to work. I’m going to be late. I’ll see you later. Call your doctor and tell him it’s a go.”
    â€œSo, did you get a wife?” Shyla grinned as Dominic strode in.
    â€œAs a matter of fact, I did.” He gave her a blithe smile as he breezed through the reception area, grabbed his mail off her desk and strode into his office. Over his shoulder he saw Shyla staring after him openmouthed.
    He shut the door and it banged right open again.
    â€œWho?” Shyla demanded. She’d been his secretary for seven years. She knew him as well as anyone. She didn’t stand on ceremony with her boss.
    â€œYou don’t know her,” he said brusquely.
    â€œNot the persistent Marjorie then.” Shyla had been deflecting Marjorie for him. Her eyes narrowed. “What did you do, grab the first woman you met?”
    â€œNo.” He made a pretense

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