A Taste For Danger

Free A Taste For Danger by K.K. Sterling

Book: A Taste For Danger by K.K. Sterling Read Free Book Online
Authors: K.K. Sterling
Tags: Covert romance
hadn’t asked, but Victoria and Dick had a lot of hushed get-togethers, often in one of their offices. And then later it was Victoria, Dick and Rance going out together rather frequently.
    “So the Head of Managing Agents, Head of Reinsurance, and Head of Claims had a number of secret meetings.”
    “Yeah. You know, I think you’re onto something, Jack.”
    “I think so too.” Jack still had the benefit of seeing Cindy’s files, to which Jerry had never been privy. “I can’t thank you enough.”
    “No prob. You can buy me that beer sometime, and we can talk about more enjoyable subjects.”
    “Sounds good.” Both men hung up.
    With that phone call Jack became convinced he had one of the three major issues bothering him solved. Now for the other two. He cancelled his meeting with the CFO. If he alarmed anyone about one of the three issues, the people behind the other two might up and run, or close down. He needed to solve all three.
    Jack passed the rest of the week in a blur with no idea what to do next. He was no closer to discovering the embezzler than when he first started. He also knew nothing about government contracts, or why someone would rig them if their goal wasn’t money. He missed a vital clue and knew it. Wracking his brain hadn’t helped. Friendly “hi’s” from Cindy in the hallway were the only things that got him by. But he didn’t want to disturb her. She was overworked and overstressed enough already. By Friday, he simply wanted the weekend to come. So this is how it is holding a company job. My God. Then, a little luck finally came his way.
    As he sat at his desk playing solitaire on his computer, a head appeared in his doorway. Jack saw the shadow and cut off the screen to his computer. The head was followed by two gawky arms in a windbreaker. When Jack looked up, Eddie stood at his door. Eddie treated the line into the office as a real line. He looked down at it and almost teetered.
    “Hi Eddie, you are welcome to come in. Have a seat.” He bet it was hard for him to leave his own haven of an office.
    Eddie glanced around Jack’s office then stepped in and took a seat. He stared at Jack without saying a word. Then he got up again and closed the door. As he sat down for the second time, Jack held out a piece of butterscotch candy. He had bought a bag for just such an occasion. He liked this well-intentioned savant.
    Eddie smiled when he saw the candy and took it from Jack’s hand. Then he spoke. “I’ve been thinking about what you said,” he started.
    Jack had no idea what he was talking about. “What was that?”
    “About whether it should concern me if the company is committing fraud,” he answered. “I decided that even having perfect books does not make up for corruption in the entity as a whole.” Eddie wore a contrite expression.
    “We all learn at our own pace, Eddie.” said Jack. “It sounds like you had an important realization.”
    “Yes. That’s when I decided to help you catch the crooks.”
    Jack shook his head. “I’m being paid to do that, Eddie. It’s not your job, plus you might put your own position in jeopardy.” He didn’t want help from Eddie. As well-intentioned as he was, Jack envisioned the nightmare of all the cases blowing up if Eddie managed to intervene somehow.
    But Eddie smiled. “I’m undercover.” Seeing Jack’s blank expression he continued, “I’m only talking to you.” Jack’s face remained quizzical.
    Eddie tried again. “I know what Cheryl Wong is doing.”
    That got Jack’s attention. He leaned back in his chair, opened his eyes wide, cocked an eyebrow, and tilted his neck while staring at Eddie. He glanced down for a second, then cleared his throat. “Um, and how did you figure that out?”
    “I learned Chinese.”
    “What?” said Jack, flabbergasted.
    “It took me a whole weekend and some time at lunch, and I only know the simplified form, but that was enough.”
    “Enough for what?”
    “To understand

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