The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge

Free The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge by Amy Morrel

Book: The Ruthless Redhead's Revenge by Amy Morrel Read Free Book Online
Authors: Amy Morrel
the portions of dress she would need to use for
thread, she heard a familiar voice booming out orders on the deck.
She couldn't make out the exact words but the sound of the voice was
familiar to her. She couldn't make out any words in his grunts the
evening before either but she recognized his voice. The same was true
now. She smiled and thought:
    Well now, I suppose I should be careful of what I dream about,
since this last one has come true. Although the dream and even the
following daydreams came nowhere near to the reality. I wonder if
he'll want to do any of that to me again tonight? I hope so, even if
I am a little sore. It would be worth it were I in thrice the pain.
    Roberta caught herself humming as she
sewed. Humming was a habit she had lost when her mother died. When
her mother had still been alive Roberta had always hummed when she
was happy. She realized that despite, or perhaps because of, the
total chaos of the last few days of her life that she was indeed
happy. She smiled as she sewed, humming a little ditty that her
mother had taught her.
    Ethan came into the cabin before she
was very far along with her task. He had brought her breakfast and a
container of water and a cloth to clean herself with. Once again as
he took in her naked body, he smiled and stood entranced for a
    “As much as I hate to do this,
these are for you also.” he said, handing over a bag.
    When Roberta looked inside, she saw the
clothing he had mentioned before, as well as a strip of thin, but
strong, cloth.
    “The cloth is to bind your
breasts down with. A shame it is to do so but to have any chance of
passing amidst the crew you'll need to. You may not be buxom but none
would doubt that you were female if they saw you in a linen shirt and
jerkin without them tied down.”
    Roberta blushed, despite their thorough
intimacy of the day before, she was still embarrassed by a man
speaking freely of her breasts.
    “Thank you again.” she
    “It is I that should be thanking
you.” replied Ethan, “Especially if you intend, as I
hope, to stay here with me. Lots of the crew have no problem with
raping a woman for their pleasure. Any of them are willing to buy a
wench for a night in port. None of them seem to want the same wench
over and over. I fear that I differ from them in both those regards.
I can perform a rape if necessary but, compared to last night, it is
unsatisfactory to me. I can hire a wench and that is somewhat more
satisfactory but I know that she is there for the money. If you stay
with me than I know that you are with me because you want to be with
me and that makes everything we do far more satisfying to me.”
    “I will stay, I can make no
promises as to how long. This is all so new to me, but I discovered
that I was happy earlier today, and that has not happened since my
mother died.
    On the subject of you differing from
the crew, I've noticed something. When you speak to me, you use
proper English, diction, and an extensive vocabulary yet when you
speak to the crew you speak to them in their patois. Which is the
real you?”
    “Both of them are the real me. I
was, as you have probably guessed, educated abroad. This occurred at
my father's insistence. But when I was sent off for my final year of
studies, my ship was intercepted. I had the choice of being impressed
by the pirates or being dead. It was an easy choice to make. I
learned the speech of the crew so that there would be no
misunderstandings and so I would fit in better. But I still retain
the speech of my home and school to use as appropriate.”
    “Ah, then you were from an upper
class family I assume?”
    “Yes, at least they were at one
time. Since then, the family fortunes have fallen somewhat. It seems
that pirates have raided several of their shipments, causing them
financial hardships.” Ethan said nonchalantly, “I never
did want to go to school abroad and when I told my father that he
punished me for it. So now, he is punished in

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