Denying The Bad Boy (Tattooed and Pierced #2)

Free Denying The Bad Boy (Tattooed and Pierced #2) by Jenika Snow

Book: Denying The Bad Boy (Tattooed and Pierced #2) by Jenika Snow Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jenika Snow
on him, but looking at the other guy’s face showed Alex had gotten his share of
hits in, too. “Just don’t say anything like that about Mary again, yeah?”
    Vince didn’t say anything for several seconds, but
then he gave a tight nod. “Sure, man. I meant no offense, and didn’t know you
were that tight with her. Last I heard you were still dropping panties.”
    Alex winced, actually fucking winced at Vince’s words,
and what was the fucking deal with that? He had never really felt nasty for the
life he lived, but right now he was feeling particularly dirty. He thought back
to all the girls he had slept with, and the term man-whore had never felt more
real than it did right now, or when he had been in Mary’s presence.
    “Shit, Alex, you look like you’re about ready to
puke. You sure you’re okay?”
    Dammit, was he okay? He was letting some girl affect
him to the point he was throwing punches at his friends. “Fuck. Yes. No. Hell,
I don’t know.” He felt like some kind of adolescent teenager that just realized
jerking off felt good. He glanced over at Vince, and the asshole was grinning
at him. “What?”
    “So you aren’t with that chick?” Alex gritted his
teeth, about to go another round just for the hell of it. Vince raised his
hands in surrender. “I’m not asking so I can have a go at her.” He waited for
him to continue but it appeared Vince was waiting on his response.
    “Nah, like I said, she’s just tutoring me.” He
tightened his hand around the pack, and the gel inside started to become warm in
his hand. But what he didn’t say was that he wanted her bad. Of course Alex
didn’t need to speak for Vince to read his damn expressions that were clearly
on his face.
    “But you got a hard-on for her.” It wasn’t phrased
as a question. Vince tossed the gel-pack in the sink and stood to his full
height. Nothing was said for several long minutes as Vince stretched his back
and lifted his arms above his head. “Well, if you’re not with her, then you can
hit up Tainted with me tonight.” Vince looked bored, but Alex knew the guy was
raring to go. Alex should have said no to going to the new and hottest club in
Columbus, but he needed to unwind, and get his mind off of doing filthy things
with Mary. Yeah, he’d go with Vince, he’d find a girl to fuck, maybe take her
in the back hallway. Or, if he was really feeling dirty he’d fuck her in one of
the bathroom stalls.
    But even thinking about putting his dick in another
female had the damn thing shriveling up in his shorts. Shit, he just needed to
be with Mary, but first he needed her to help him pass his course, because
fucking her before would make a whole lot of shit uncomfortable.
    “I’m fucked in the head.”
    Vince slapped him on the back. “Alex, we’re all
fucked in the head. But it isn’t anything a little alcohol and wet pussy can’t
handle. So you in, brother?” Vince moved toward the
door, but stopped right before he went back into the gym. He looked over his
shoulder and cocked a dark eyebrow. They held each other’s stare, and Alex knew
he was waiting for his affirmation that they were hitting it up tonight.
    Vince opened the door, and the sound of fighting and
grunts filtered into the medical room. Vince waited for his answer, and Alex
knew he wouldn’t back out.
    “Yeah, man, I’m in.”

    Mary pulled her BMW into the compact driveway of
Alex’s house. She cut the engine but sat there for several moments. Why was she
suddenly so nervous?
possibly because you have been lusting after this guy every time you see him,
and now you’re going to be seeing a lot of him, close and personal. After she went to the gym and worked out so hard her legs had felt like
pudding, and she had probably lost enough water weight to fill her kitchen
sink, she had gone home and taken a shower with water so hot it could have
melted her skin. A pair of jeans and a tee seemed like fine attire to go out

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