The Strange Death of Mistress Coffin

Free The Strange Death of Mistress Coffin by Robert J. Begiebing

Book: The Strange Death of Mistress Coffin by Robert J. Begiebing Read Free Book Online
Authors: Robert J. Begiebing
help you?” she said and then turned toward the crown of the sloping meadow. “Wouldn’t that gentle rise make a good orchard? Let’s go back up to consider plantings and outbuildings.”
    Walking back up the slope of the hill, he said: “And I may not be alone after all, Goody Higgins. I may prevail upon my younger brother to return with me, and his wife. He is the only immediate family I have left in England. He lives on family property, where I also was living before coming to America. But since so much of my future patrimony was invested dangerously, we have been having a hard time of it. I can no longer fund the operations and upkeep of the estate, modest as it is, from America in my present circumstances. And although they have survived the civil strife without becoming embroiled with either side, their situation will be uncertain. His help could be invaluable to me, and to both ourfutures, here. Provided I can tighten the arrangements I have in mind in London. If not, I may need his help on the other side of the Atlantic. All that remains to be determined.”
    They reached an outcrop near the top of the meadow and sat down. Browne asked: “Have you seen Mr. Coffin since we last met?”
    â€œNot at all. I’m just as pleased. I have no wish to look on his face.” The breeze strengthened at the top of the hill and stirred her hair out from under her cap. She leaned forward and plucked another strawberry.
    â€œI have spoken with him on a number of occasions and need to see him again soon. I now believe he has kept something from me.”
    â€œBe sure to place yourself in no danger. I shouldn’t like to see you come to harm for my troubles.”
    â€œNo. No, I think you overrate his evil intentions. I have met with nothing but kindness and reasonableness from him.”
    â€œSo they say of the Devil.”
    â€œThey say many things. My belief is that this man is not the source of your afflictions, but merely a principal player in the bloody drama.”
    She looked at him blankly. “Nevertheless, Mr. Browne. The danger is real. You had better take care to watch yourself. I would say that now both your safety and mine depend on your watchfulness.”
    â€œI will watch.”
    â€œThen I can ask no more.”
    She attempted to gather her hair back under her cap from the wind, but it was useless now. The breeze had been steadily increasing on the knoll. Fair weather clouds were gathering on the horizon behind them and flying rapidly over their heads in the bright sky.
    The wind finally drove them from the knoll back to the pathway to her house, where the children had abandoned their tasks and were playing by the brook which ran through the yard and down into the river.


    On another warm day that June, Richard Browne paid a fourth visit to Balthazar Coffin. Coffin greeted Browne warmly, but the older man was haggard. Browne conjectured that the gaunt face was the result of Coffin’s loss and sorrow, as if his pain had only gradually worked into him during the past year. Now Coffin seemed to be the one living without sleep.
    â€œYou have been away, Mr. Browne,” Coffin said. “Welcome back.”
    Browne explained that he had come to discuss several points that were yet unclear to him about the circumstances of Mistress Coffin’s death.
    â€œYour journey was fruitful?” Coffin asked.
    â€œYes. But so much remains to be uncovered.”
    â€œAh. Ever the case, Browne. Ever the case.” He shook his head and, pointing to a chair for Browne to sit in, slowly sat into another. A woman servant entered the room and asked if they would care for refreshment.
    â€œCider?” Coffin asked. “Claret?”
    â€œThank you,” Browne said. “Cider would be excellent.”
    â€œTwo drams of sharpest cider, Martha, please,” Coffin said. As the woman left the room, Coffin added: “I’ll be alone soon; Martha

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