Calamity @ the Carwash (Parson's Cove Mysteries)

Free Calamity @ the Carwash (Parson's Cove Mysteries) by Sharon Rose

Book: Calamity @ the Carwash (Parson's Cove Mysteries) by Sharon Rose Read Free Book Online
Authors: Sharon Rose
words, mind your own business.”
    “Why do you say that, Calvin?”
    It seemed that Calvin suddenly became
deaf. I repeated my question one decibel louder but he still didn’t answer.
Flori was sitting a couple of seats behind on the other side. I glanced back at
her and she was giving me her evil eye. If Flori heard and probably half the
bus, I’m sure the driver did too.
    Mary Jane Smith was sitting beside me.
She was close to a hundred and had taught school when I went. Her mind was as
sharp as a tack but she was almost blind now and even with my loud voice, she
turned to me and said, “My word, Mabel, you don’t have to yell like that. Of
course, Calvin knows it’s going to be a wet day.”
    “You’re right, Miss MJ.” I guess
everyone in town still calls her that. She didn’t hear me but gave me a bright
    “I certainly hope Mr. Koots is not
dropping us off in that awful park again. Did you bring your umbrella, Mabel?”
    I nodded but then yelled “Yes” in her
    “Good for you. You were always one of my
favorite pupils. I felt so bad about what Esther Flynn did to you. Have you
ever forgiven her for that?”
    I shook my head but then yelled “No” in
her ear.
    She broke out in a wicked grin. “Good
for you. I would never forgive her either.” It was quite exhilarating, sitting
there giggling with my old English teacher.
    I put my mouth right up to her ear and
spoke very slowly but not loud enough for Calvin to hear. Of course, the way he
was driving and changing gears, it probably didn’t matter.
    “Why don’t you like going to the park?”
I asked.
    MJ insisted on speaking into my ear.
“Because I think Koots is up to something.”
    I simply looked at her and raised my
eyebrows. She pulled my head closer and went for the ear again.
    “He leaves us alone for over two hours
and when he comes back, he’s always walking funny.”
    Into her ear: “What do mean, walking
    Into my ear: “Like his feet are sore or
something. I don’t think he’d even get off his seat if we didn’t insist that he
help some of us onto the bus.”
    Into her ear: “Do you think he’s been
    She shook her head and whispered, “No, I
couldn’t smell anything.”
    By this time, we were flying off the
freeway. It seemed that Mr. Koots was in quite a hurry. The wipers were working
overtime trying to keep the windshield clear. Every car and truck that drove by
obliterated the view for several seconds.
    From somewhere in the back of the bus,
someone called out, “You’re not taking us to that park again in this rain, are
    Again, Mr. Koots preferred to act deaf.
Now, I could understand why Sam Kinney needed someone to travel with these
people. The bus driver definitely had no senior skills. He could’ve been
driving a truckload of cattle.
    Flori spoke up. “No, Mrs. Kendal, Mr.
Koots is taking us to the Bay Park Mall. Mr. Flanders had a talk with Mr.
Kinney and you won’t have to go to the park anymore unless you really want to.”
    A cheer went up. It seemed no one liked
the park except our Mr. Koots.
    I wondered why.  
    At least Calvin drove us to the front
entrance instead of parking a mile away. Flori and I held our umbrella up for
each person who got off the bus and walked them to the store. Of course, Mr.
Lawson jumped the queue so I ended up holding the umbrella for him. I walked
him as fast as I could without causing an accident and when I turned to help
the next person, I felt a pat on my bottom.
    “Mr. Lawson,” I said. “If you ever touch
me inappropriately again, you’ll be walking home in the rain.”  
    One of the women standing next to me
said, “Good for you, Mabel. I told him the next time he did that to me, I was
going to tell management and have him castrated.”
    I looked at the guilty party and said,
“That’s not an idle threat. I’ve already been responsible for four castrations
so one more won’t make any

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