Ruin: Revelations

Free Ruin: Revelations by Lucian Bane

Book: Ruin: Revelations by Lucian Bane Read Free Book Online
Authors: Lucian Bane
“Get on your knees and face me.”
    Ruin reached out and steadied her with a hand when she turned too quickly and made herself dizzy.
    She knelt before him and he stroked the hair along her face. “Slowly, Isadore. I want you to go slowly. I want this to last.” Forever. Which he knew was illogical but he wanted it nonetheless. He pushed the hair behind her ears, wanting to see her pretty face while she sucked him. “Open my legs.” Ruin placed his palms on the bed behind him, desire making the command harsh.
    Isadore didn’t seem to notice as she placed her hands just above his knees and then looked up at him. Power jerked in his body at the connection of their gaze and his heart became erratic in his chest as she held the link and did just as he said. Slowly opened his legs. Ruin clutched the covers in a vicious grip and his mouth opened for more oxygen. “You’re so beautiful,” she whispered.
    The sincere words sent need burning through him, rocking his hips hard. “Take hold of my cock with both hands.”
    She slowly lowered her gaze along his body, her firm fingers raking the taut muscles on the inside of his thighs as she complied with his command. Ruin fought the urge to change the directive to faster. He wanted slow. Longer. But he was beginning to realize her delicate touch and measured pace had his power careening out of control faster than ever, making him constantly hostage to the need to control it.
    She grabbed his cock at the base then looked up, her flush cheeks and hooded eyes telling him she was eager for her next orders. Not as eager as him. “Tease it with your tongue. Until I’m burning with need.”
    Her breath rushed out as she leaned in then paused with her mouth next to his cock. She slid her closed lips over the thick edge, her eyes shutting with a light moan. Ruin decided yes, that was even better. He rocked his hips with shaky breaths as she slid the head of his cock all over her closed lips with an extreme delicateness that sent that fire roaring through him.
    “You’re so silky and hard.” She licked the slit just barely and Ruin shot out a gasp.
    “Yes, Isadore. Tease it right there.” He still gripped the bedcovers tightly, not trusting himself to let go. She fluttered the tip of her tongue over the slit then rim, making him hiss and roll his hips hard and slow.
    She caressed his balls with her other hand, her fingers and nails dancing along the taut skin while gripping his base possessively, her tongue raining fire on the head of his cock. He let his head fall back, forgetting orders, forgetting reason and lessons to be taught. “I can’t stand it, Isadore. I need to feel the back of your throat. Suck me hard and deep,” he gasped. “Now . ”
    A whimper of hunger came just before heat enveloped his cock entirely. Ruin gritted his teeth with a growl, rolling his hips then flicking them when he was buried in her mouth, very close to losing control with her high-pitched moans vibrating through his cock. He fought the wave of lava in his groin, so ready to give in to it, and yet so ready to resist it.
    “Stop!” Ruin nearly shouted as he stared at her before him, kneeling obediently, ready for his next order. Her lips were shiny and inviting as she retained a firm grip on the base of his cock.
    “Command me.” She very much liked being commanded and the idea opened up a world of ideas and possibilities he wanted to explore.
    He stared down at himself. “Slowly . . . remove your hand.” He felt he might explode if she moved too suddenly. “Get naked now. You will force me to eat your secrets.”
    She gasped and stood, removing her bra and panties.
    Ruin noted the tremble in her limbs as he moved back to lay on the bed and it made him desperate. “I want your pretty secrets on my mouth. Right now. Do it now.”
    She climbed over his body, her knees straddling his legs. Ruin watched her hot folds brush against his length as she went. He realized she did that on

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