Signal Close Action

Free Signal Close Action by Alexander Kent

Book: Signal Close Action by Alexander Kent Read Free Book Online
Authors: Alexander Kent
Tags: Military, Historical Novel, Nautical
Cartagena. A small bay used by fishermen, I believe, but now probably taken for a safe anchorage by Spanish transports.' The dividers ran along and up the coast towards the Gulf of Lions. 'All the way there must be such ships waiting to carry materials of war to Bonaparte's army. He must be preparing for an invasion.'
    Herrick asked quietl y, 'What do you intend, sir ?'
    'Had I known the content of the letter I would have held on to the schooner and used her against her old masters.' The dividers beat a slow rhythm on the chart. 'But no matter. The Dons will not know she has been taken yet. There is still time.'
    Probyn said bluntly, 'Unless some of the landing party were captured, sir. Made to tell what they know of our intentions.'
    Herrick snapped, 'That's a bloody stupid thing to say!'
    'No, Thomas.' Bolitho looked at him impassively. 'It is a possibility. We must face up to it.'
    Try as he might Herrick could not drag his gaze from the broken sword which now lay on Bolitho's desk.
    He said, 'I find it hard, sir.'
    'I know.' He held his gaze for a few seconds. 'He is close to you also.'
    He turned away, forcing himself to retain control of his emotions. Is, is, is. He must not allow himself to think of Adam as gone into the past.
    He looked at the other captains. 'We must obtain a new element of surprise. Attack and probe, gain all the knowledge we can of the enemy's strength, and hurt him when he least expects it.'
    Farquhar nodded slowly. 'If we attack this shipping, sir, and then put out to sea in another direction, the enemy will not know what we are doing, or what our true mission might be.’
    Bolitho replied, 'Exactly. It is something I learned, and learned well from the French. One determined ship can tie down a squadron. A determined squadron can hamper a whole fleet.'
    They fell silent until Probyn said, "The Dons may send a force down from Cartagena. There is little sea room for what you plan to do.'
    'I will post Captain Javal to watch over our backs.' He faced him calmly, watching for an argument. 'The Dons may be prepared for a local attack, another cutting-out expedition or the like. A ship of the line is not what anyone will anticipate.'
    Probyn gasped, "No sane man certainly 1'
    Bolitho nodded grimly. 'Lysander will make the attack.' He looked at Farquhar. 'You will stay to seaward and act as the situation dictates.'
    Farquhar's eyebrows rose very slightly. 'My decision then, sir?'
    Herrick interrupted harshly, 'You'll not rate a broad pendant yet, dammit ! '
    Farquhar gave a cool smile, 'The idea never entered my mind.'
    Bolitho tugged at his neckcloth. It seemed to be choking him.
    He said, 'I will send you written orders directly. So now, gentlemen . . .'
    Herrick ushered them to the door and closed it behind them.
    Bolitho sat down in a chair and rested his head in his hands as the calls shrilled from the gangway to mark the captains' departure. Outside the cabin the sea was deep blue, like ruffled silk, as the wind ghosted the ships gently eastward. If only it had been like this when Buzzard 's boats had taken the sleeping schooner. It would have halved the time. Saved lives.
    Herrick returned and said, 'I have ordered the squadron to take station again sir. Your servant is waiting to attend you.' 'Thank you, Thomas.'
    Herrick looked at the snapped sword. 'If he is still alive, there may be a chance to arrange an exchange - '
    Bolitho stood up violently. 'Do you not think I have gone over and over what might or might not be done!' He swung away, his eyes blurred. 'Send Allday to me with - ' He broke off, and for a long moment they stared at each other like strangers.
    Then Herrick said tonelessly, 'I'll attend to the details, sir.'
    Bolitho opened his mouth to prevent his leaving, but no words came. When he looked again Herrick had gone.
    Ozzard, the cabin servant, slipped through the door and moved diagonally towards the sleeping compartment, his eyes averted.
    Bolitho sat on the bench and watched

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