The Mercy of Strange Men: Erotic Stories
offset by the warmth in
her smile.
    ‘How are you
liking it so far?’
    ‘It’s…great,’ I
managed. My pussy was responding to the ministrations of her cock
and my powers of thought were starting to retreat, sensing defeat.
I could feel myself begin to clench as my clitoris responded more
and more to the pressure of her cock. Her breasts hung in front of
me, and she was beginning to sweat slightly. I reached up and took
a breast in each hand, squeezing her nipples gently. She
    ‘I want to be
inside you.’
    My pussy
responded before my brain had even processed what she said.
    ‘Yes,’ I
finally managed.
    She eased
herself into me. The cock felt thicker than I’d thought, and I
could feel it push against the walls of my cunt, questing deeper
inside me. She pushed further in, until I felt the pressure of her
leather-clad pelvis against me and knew she was in all the way. We
held the position for a moment, then slowly she began to withdraw.
I caught myself whimpering, again completely unconsciously. She
laughed, sweetly but with the slight edge of one who’s definitely
won the sex war and is preparing to take all spoils.
    She began to
thrust, slowly, insistently, testing my responses. I began to move
against her, thrusting in my own rhythm, which melded with hers
until we were in synchronicity, both of us covered in a light sheen
of sweat. The dildo felt thick and warm and firm inside me,
contrasting with the softness of Sabina’s body. I wrapped my legs
around her and we fucked like that for a while, kissing each other
at random moments, my hands exploring the smooth expanse of her
back, occasionally moving around to stroke her breasts again.
    Eventually she
pulled back slightly and looked me in the eye.
    ‘Do you want to
touch yourself?’
    I could feel
every nerve ending in my cunt and clit screaming for release. I
managed a raspy ‘yes,’ and she smiled. Then she moved back a bit,
enough so that I could reach my hand down between us and find my
clit. It responded immediately to the slight pressure of my finger.
I began to rub myself, and she resumed thrusting. I felt my orgasm
begin to build, a gradual pressure in my nerves that made my cunt
clamp down on the dildo and hold it tight as Sabina continued to
    I felt the low
moan of orgasm begin deep down in the back of my throat as the
delirious pressure in my clit continued to grow. I rubbed faster,
wanting the release, needing it, hungering for it as though
    I came with a
moan that transformed into a howl, squeezing my legs and bringing
Sabina in closer to me, the orgasm exploding into a thousand
fragments in my clit and in my cunt, moving down my legs and up my
body, forcing me to shake uncontrollably.
    Afterwards I
lay still. Sabina lay on top of me, our skin warm against each
other, breasts and bellies meeting agreeably, our combined softness
intermingling. We were still and silent for several minutes. I
wrapped my arms around her, not wanting to let her go, thinking I
didn’t want this to end here. I didn’t want this to be the only
lesson she taught me. She burrowed against me, voluptuously warm,
her cock still inside me. I didn’t want her to pull out; I wanted
us, in this moment, to be joined for as long as we could.
though, she moved, leaning up and pulling out, unbuckling herself
out of the harness and discarding it before lying down next to me
again and taking me in her arms.
    ‘Did you like
    ‘What sort of a
question is that?’
    She laughed.
‘Yeah, I know. Sometimes I like to state the obvious. Or ask the
obvious, as the case may be.’
    ‘It was great.
You’re wonderful.’
    She grinned at
me, and mimed tipping a hat. ‘Why, thank you, ma’am. You’re not so
bad yourself.’
    We held each
other for a while without speaking, our skin cooling, our sweat
drying. She held me close.
    I’m not the
type of girl to start demanding exclusivity and all that jazz after
one sexual encounter, but I

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