Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga)

Free Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) by Susan Reid

Book: Divinity: Transcendence: Book Two (The Divinity Saga) by Susan Reid Read Free Book Online
Authors: Susan Reid
already knew he would send his henchmen to collect him soon. I examined all of the weapons he had on him, to ensure that they wouldn’t fire.
    He was already gone mentally , far more than he had been before to even notice or care at this point. To everyone else who may have been watching, I made it appear as if I were simply apprehending and subduing him.
    I finally left him cuffed in the walkway, to be found by the real police when they arrived. That wouldn’t be long. The sirens were louder now, and flashing lights soon surrounded the parking lot that flanked the main outer atrium.
    To my surprise, Angels began descending. I wondered why this time, because although there were injuries, no one was killed. This would be interference. Maybe they were here to scold me, but there weren’t any chosen here among them that I could see.
    I surveyed the rest of th e courtyard and the atrium, tuning into the rapid heartbeats, the muted crying, and the whispering of prayers. Fear still lingered on high, as shouts from law enforcement officers broke into the unnatural quiet. Crowds of teachers and students were being told to stay in dorms and classrooms. Others were being herded across the street, while guarded by mobs of SWAT team members.
    This was quick.
    I assumed that they already had a damned good emergency plan and alert system in place at this University.
                                I took an alternate route to make my way back to the parking lot, where an entire fleet of police cars, SWAT and fire trucks were parked at different angles. The wail of ambulances sounded in the distance. Half of the officers were trying to maintain crowd control. Worried and hysterical students watched on in terror and shock, hugging each other for comfort.
    Two news vans were pulling up just outside of the barricade. At first, none of the other officers really paid any attention to me. I drifted through the onrush of armed officers, all wearing bulletproof vests, while scouring the grounds for all possible suspects.
    “Straight ahead, the atrium hallway to the right. He’s already down and cuffed. There was just one.” I told the leader of the first wave of the SWAT members that approached me cautiously.
    A little persuasive magik kept him from asking more questions, or becoming overly suspicious about me.
    “Ten-four.” The SWAT officer in the front replied, with a wave onward to the other five behind him.
    A familiar, unwelcoming stench stopped me in my tracks. One of the SWAT team members slowed, lagging behind all of the others, and then nodded at me.
    “Thanks , I owe you one.” He said to me with a grin.
    The appearance of the Angels suddenly made sense now.
    “Look at you attempting t o play the hero again.” He grinned.
    I shot a quick glance around, not that anyone was paying attention to us, but I didn’t want to make it obvious.
    “You came all this way for one?” I replied, not really wanting to speak to him at all.
    He smirked. “No, but I have been waiting for him. I appreciate your helping that along, though I’d rather he wasn’t insane.” He replied.
    I walked away from him, heading towards the cruiser, and hoping to lose him in the crowd.
    “He was obviously already insane before this happened.” I mumbled under my breath.
                                I should have cloaked myself. It took a while to make it through the chaotic throng of law enforcement, news and paramedic crews, frightened students and faculty. When I finally located the cruiser, I climbed in with a heavy sigh of agitation. Morning Star was already in the passenger seat.
    My initial reflex was to attack him first, but I knew he wouldn’t do anything— not in the human realm, and definitely not with angels here. Their presence however, wouldn’t stop me from doing humans and the future of Earth, a huge favor.
    Though he wore an all-black SWAT uniform, he was copying my look to no doubt to

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