Savage Betrayal: Savage, Book 2

Free Savage Betrayal: Savage, Book 2 by Shelli Stevens

Book: Savage Betrayal: Savage, Book 2 by Shelli Stevens Read Free Book Online
Authors: Shelli Stevens
really—with what’s going on with her.”
    He was, and there was no way he could deny it. He couldn’t explain it either. Not to himself, and sure as hell not to Larson.
    “She’s a fellow agent. Of course I’m concerned about her.”
    Not replying, Larson just crooked an eyebrow as he chewed his steak.
    “Look, if you’re thinking we’re sexually involved, you’re wrong. I’ve never crossed that line with Masterson.”
    Larson pointed the blade of his steak knife at him. “Maybe not yet, but you’d like to.”
    Hell yeah, he’d like to. Which was becoming an intensifying problem.
    “It’s probably not a good idea, you know.” Larson’s warning was a little too casual as he continued to eat.
    “Well, sleeping with a coworker is never a good idea.” Darrius forced his usual shit-eating grin and picked up his ribs. “Makes things messy as hell at the office if things go sour.”
    “To say the least. And Masterson is probably a bit vulnerable right now.”
    “I’m not sure that’s the word I’d pick for her.”
    “You know what I mean. After the shit she went through, she doesn’t need you seducing her for a quick fling. If anything, she needs to find her mate. Someone who will be there for her for the long term.”
    Ouch. But his alpha was right. And Darrius didn’t do long term. Why bother when he knew that none of the women would ever be his mate?
    Larson’s words were a sharp reminder that he wasn’t the only one feeling protective of Grace. The whole team had always kept a close watch on her. And Larson probably felt extra responsibility as her alpha.
    Mouth twisting into a hard smile, Darrius shook his head. “Look, the last thing I want to do is get into Masterson’s pants.” He couldn’t keep the terseness from his voice this time, maybe that came from the bitter taste of lying. “You seem awfully concerned with everyone’s love life, Larson.”
    “Are you questioning my right to be?” Larson gave a soft laugh, but there was a steel edge in it that reminded Darrius of his place.
    They might be friends and shoot the shit out at a bar, but at the end of the day, everyone on their team and pack answered to Nathan Larson.
    “No, I’m not that fucking stupid,” Darrius muttered and finished off his beer. “But since we’re on the subject, how’s all that romantic shit going in your life right now?”
    He watched the flicker of irritation and wariness in his alpha’s eyes. It was almost as if Darrius had asked about a bad case of hemorrhoids instead of his love life.
    “It’s fine.”
    It was common knowledge that Larson was recently engaged to the daughter of an alpha from another pack. A gorgeous, spoiled redhead who screamed high maintenance. The mating had been predicted for years, and would be good politics between the two packs when it ultimately happened.
    “When’s the wedding and mating? You’re the head honcho, Larson.” Darrius couldn’t resist fucking with him a little. “Your pack is getting eager for you to settle down and start producing the next generation.”
    “Fuck you, Hilliard.” Now Larson’s expression went completely sour. “I hear it enough from the elders, I don’t need it from you too. There’s plenty of time for that business.”
    “There is, and I was just giving you shit. Take your time and make sure she’s the right one.”
    “Right one? Sure. As if I have that luxury.” Larson gave a hard laugh and took a swig of beer. “Anyway, what about you? There are plenty of girls you could have fun with for a nice little distraction.” Larson glanced around the bar to where a group of women sat in the corner, watching them and giggling quietly. “See that? The girls love you. Bet you could take any one of then home tonight.”
    Oh, he didn’t doubt it. And some nights he’d done just that. But tonight the idea left him a little cold.
    “I could.”
    “You should. Usually you do. But now that I think of it, I can’t remember the last

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