A Masterpiece Of Our Love (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 1)

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Book: A Masterpiece Of Our Love (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 1) by Nikki Lynn Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Lynn Barrett
hands were still touching her face. He inched closer and parted his lips. Without thinking, Becca reacted. They met midway, his lips crashing over hers. Her thoughts ran a million miles a minute. Did he start this, or did she? What were they doing? No matter how much she wanted this, the last time they almost kissed, he disappeared.
    It wasn't about you. You know this!
    It didn't matter.
    She uttered a sound when he deepened the kiss.
    His kisses were passionate. So tender. Loving. Inquiring. He drew her closer, tightening his strong hold on her. He held on like he never wanted to let go. A sound escaped his lips, but he didn't stop. Her heartbeat sped up. She placed a hand on Hunter's shoulder, then slid it around his neck, running her fingers through his hair. She opened her eyes for a brief second and devoured the sight of Hunter. Then she closed them again, leaning into him. His tongue toyed with her, teasing playfully.
    Another loud crack of thunder startled them both. Like kids being caught doing something they shouldn't, Hunter and Becca pulled apart.
    She let out a breath and covered her chest with her hand. She blinked. Hunter stared intently at her.
    "I have no idea what came over me. Please know I never meant for that to happen. I don't want you to think-"
    She put a finger to her lips, then started signing. "I'm not sure what that was about, but I'm not complaining. I don't think anything bad of you. I never have, and I never will."
    Was that a look of relief?
    Did he even remember four years ago? Or was she the only one that replayed that week in her mind? She had been the one to turn her head, and even now she couldn't recall if she'd done it on purpose or not.
    "That was an amazing, electrifying kiss. I just don't know where it came from." He shook his head. He seemed irritated with himself. She doubted any words would make him feel better right now.
    Becca leaned closer and touched his cheek, guiding him to look at her. "I don't ever remember you being so hard on yourself before."
    "I know. Honestly, you're the one person I trust. I know you understand me, especially with everything. I just don't want you to think I'm taking advantage of that. I can't lose our friendship, Becca. I know in the past few years I haven't shown it, but you mean the world to me."
    "Rest assured, you didn't take advantage. I'll always be here for you." Another yawn escaped her and she grinned sheepishly.
    Hunter chuckled. "You're blushing. You want to shower first?"
    "Yes. Thank you." Just a quick one to get clean. Fatigue started to consume her, but she needed to be clean.
    "Okay. While you're showering, I'll make sure everything is cleaned up and that our stuff is ready to go for the morning. Then I'll search for some blankets. I'll take up the couch and you can have the bed. Enjoy your shower." Hunter had already turned away, searching the fridge for something.
    She had no idea why, but her heart sank at the thought of sleeping in the bed alone. She had no idea if it had to do with wanting to be close to Hunter, or just not wanting to be alone in a strange place. At least at Range's, she knew she was safe. The place was a familiar surrounding to her. This cabin wasn't, and she didn't know how she felt about that.
    Silly. I'm just being silly.
    She took the shortest shower she could. It was just enough time to wash off the funk she felt. As she wrapped a green towel around herself and found a smaller towel for her hair, Becca stared at her reflection in the mirror. Oh, she most definitely needed sleep.
    She had a small brush in her purse. Finally dressed, she left the bathroom and went looking for her purse.
    "That is probably one of the fastest showers I've ever known a woman to take," Hunter teased. She turned to him and shot him a wry smile.
    "Is that a compliment?"
    "Always for you."
    He'd pulled out a red blanket and had it draped across the couch. Now or never. She waited for him to turn her way again. "I'm kind of afraid of

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