A Masterpiece Of Our Love (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 1)

Free A Masterpiece Of Our Love (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 1) by Nikki Lynn Barrett

Book: A Masterpiece Of Our Love (The Masterpiece Trilogy Book 1) by Nikki Lynn Barrett Read Free Book Online
Authors: Nikki Lynn Barrett
watered. He jumped, startled when Becca tapped him on the shoulder. "You scared me!" he laughed, covering his heart with his hand.
    "Can I do anything to help?"
    "Nope. I've got it covered. I just found the plates. Silverware shouldn't be an issue. I know I'm hungry, how about you?" He grabbed two of the plates and inspected them. They looked clean enough, but Hunter decided to run them under the water real quick anyway. When he turned back to Becca, she nodded.
    "Very hungry."
    "Good, because we're ready to dig in. I've found everything!" Hunter held up the plates and silverware proudly. He felt like a child all excited to show someone the treasure he'd found. Becca shot him a grin and the pair sat across from each other at the table. Hunter pushed a plate across to her, then handed her the silverware. "Now, let's see what these kind folks brought us." Hunter opened the bag and pulled the still warm containers out. "Smells good, that's for sure."
    About an hour after they ate, the storm showed it's first signs of slowing. Night descended, so the lightning bolts slicing through the air lit up the area like a fireworks display. Becca wished it would stop. At least after eating, she started to feel better. Still, she wanted nothing more than to crawl under the covers and go to sleep.
    After dinner, Hunter found a deck of cards and they spent the majority of the time playing various card games. After she let out yet another yawn, Hunter put the cards he held down and leaned forward. "You're just as beat as I am, aren't you?"
    "Sorry. I can't help it."
    "Don't apologize. Maybe turning in for the night isn't such a bad idea. I don't know what time it is and honestly, I don't care. The earlier we can get off this island in the morning, the better I'll feel. Let me just check the doors."
    She wondered why he would even bother locking them. The island was fairly isolated and she doubted anyone would try coming in. But with the boat incident, he seemed to be on his guard. Hunter had mentioned more than once today that he thought something was off. He acted a little paranoid. He took her hands in his and helped her climb to her feet. He touched the side of her face. "You do look exhausted," he said quietly. "What a day. If I hadn't blacked out..."
    "You can't help that you fell overboard!" Why would he even feel guilty for that?
    "I spaced out! I lost control and that's when things went downhill!" Hunter protested. A muscle strained in his neck. He really seemed agitated about the whole ordeal. "I normally pay better attention to the weather and failed to do that this time, too."
    Becca took his hands in hers, giving them a squeeze. She opened her mouth, hoping the words would come out this time. All that happened were a few squeaks. She stomped her foot in frustration.
    Hunter pulled her in his arms again. She leaned against him and soaked in his warmth.
    "Don't try to force the words if they won't come," he pleaded softly. Hunter was one of the only people to be so patient with her. When this happened the first time, the only time it had lasted years, her grandparents had yelled, cursed, and belittled her for it. The therapists, doctors, teachers, everyone had made such a fuss about it. She ended up feeling less of herself when she really had been trying. Did they really think she wanted to be like that? To have a lack of communication? Nobody got it.
    Except Hunter.
    Tears sprung in her eyes at the memories and she held Hunter even closer. She was content there. She was so glad he came back this year. Despite the few years separation from her friend, she felt right at home with him.
    At her sniffle, Hunter tipped her chin up. "You are crying! Aw Bec, why the tears?"
    "I think my emotions are going haywire. I'm tired, so I'm a little weepy. I'm so glad you're back this year." When she finished signing, his lips curled up in a smile.
    "So am I," he whispered softly. Something in his eyes that resembled longing tugged at her. His

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