Mated to the Vampire Kings

Free Mated to the Vampire Kings by Charlene Hartnady

Book: Mated to the Vampire Kings by Charlene Hartnady Read Free Book Online
Authors: Charlene Hartnady
weakens the
entrance to the womb. We should never have rutted so many times with our
female. Twice a day was still too often.”
snorted, sounding pissed. “Especially considering how fucking potent our seed
is. I’m so sorry, Cenwein. I hope you can forgive us.” Brant wiped away her
tears with his thumb. The stricken look he gave her tore at her, making her
feel even worse.
much information boys.” Becky held up a hand. “Listen up, during a normal
pregnancy, sex cannot bring on labor. It’s a proven fact. This had nothing to
do with your…seriously potent sperm…I assure you. Everybody calm down.”
tell me to fucking calm down.” Brant growled through clenched teeth, his dark
fearful eyes flashed to Becky.
her tears were coming much slower now, so she was actually able to talk. Tanya
reached up and cupped his cheeks. “We need to listen to my doctor and healer.
It’s no use going off the rails.” Brant closed his eyes and leaned into her
Zane was turned to face Becky. He growled so deeply that goose bumps popped out
on her arms.
please calm down.” Tanya reached for his hand and he took it. “Easy… my bones
can still break you know.”
sweetness.” Zane eased his hold and kissed the inside of her palm.
are steps that can be taken to prevent labor. I’m going to order oral Turbulaline.
It is a drug used to prevent contractions. I am prescribing the treatment
should you go into labor. It is very effective in slowing down and even
stopping labor.” She took a deep breath. “I need you on full bed rest. No sex
whatsoever.” Becky looked up at Tanya’s mates. “It was fine before but it isn’t
any more. Your pregnancy is no longer considered normal as you are dilating. ”
She looked Tanya in the eye. “No orgasms at all for that matter.”
can’t ease our female?” Brant sounded shocked.
shook her head. “When a woman orgasms her uterus contracts. It could bring on
labor in Tanya’s current state. Sperm on a ripening cervix could cause it to
soften further. Therefore, no sex and no orgasms.”
no.” Tanya felt her blood drain. “I kind of had sex this morning. I may have
had two orgasms.” She held up two fingers. Her blasted eyes filled up with
tears. Zane made an anguished noise.
glanced at Zane before locking eyes with Tanya once again. “You weren’t to
know. Don’t beat yourselves up. I’ll get my hands on the drugs right away. The
key will be to administer the medication should you go into labor. I’m sure
you’ll be just fine. I’m seeing this as a precaution rather than as something
to be concerned about.”
cannot be too careful where the royal heir is concerned,” Selina said in a
school mistress voice.
gave her a dirty look before looking back at Tanya. “The worst thing you can do
is worry. Of all the precautions you should take, rest and cutting out stress
are most important. High periods of stress followed by periods of calm are
known to trigger labor.”
female will have nothing to worry about.” Zane said, kissing her hand again.
will take excellent care of her.” Brant did the same. “Do you have any other
advice?” Brant’s eyes narrowed on Becky.
hot baths or nipple stimulation, this is just as important as no sex as it
causes the body to release a hormone that brings on labor. There are others but
they’re old wives’ tales…”
us.” If Tanya didn’t know any better she would say that Brant sounded
spicy food.” She winked at Tanya. “Whatever you do my friend, don’t insert
evening primrose oil capsules into your vagina.”
snorted. “As if.”
smiled. “You’re going to love this one…stay away from laxatives like castor
oil. The excessive diarrhea it causes could bring on labor.”
I’ll be sorely tempted because there’s

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