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Book: Revealed by April Zyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Zyon
on her brow
and between her breasts as she fought the need to come. She battled against her
own body’s pending orgasm because she knew when he did allow her to come that
it would be spectacular.
    “Take a slow
breath and focus on some thought, some point in your mind or in front of you,
and you hold it tight. Never once should your vision waver from that image. It
should help you to hold off your climax. Because I’m not going to let you come
any time soon.” He pulled out and thrust back in, again and again.
    Those words were
like a song to her ears. She loved the forceful way he was speaking, but the
underlying softness and care was also clear to her. “Yes, Sir.” She did as
    “Good girl, I
can feel you holding out. Keep your focus nice and tight.” His hands tightened
on her hips, and he began to move faster, harder, rocking her toward the
headboard with each forceful thrust.
    She stared at
the small scratch in the headboard. Then she gasped at a new movement. Biting
her lip, she forced herself to calm and not come.
    “Not until I
tell you that you can,” he said, his voice rough. His movements weren’t as
smooth anymore. They were becoming erratic, and his hands were tightening on
her hips. He moved one to cup her pussy, catching her clit between his fingers
and squeezing. “Come now!”
    She screamed and
pushed back hard against him. She came, her vision wavering. Sobbing, she came
a second, then a third time, her screams filling the air with her utter
    He pushed in one
last time before he came, his semen hot inside of her as he let go, her name a
bellow from his lips. He caught her so she didn’t collapse onto the bed, his
chest to her back as they both fought for air. “Let go, sweetheart. Let the
headboard go,” he whispered roughly against her skin.
    Riley released
it from shaky hands. She was happy he was holding her because she was
completely boneless in that moment. She had never felt anything as intense,
anything as amazing, as what they had just shared, and when she was finally
able to get her breath, she would tell him. For now, she just curled into him
and let him take care of her.
    Slowly, her body
was lowered to the mattress. He pressed a kiss to her shoulder. After a few
minutes, he withdrew from her and left the bed. He disappeared from the room
and returned about three minutes later. A cold, wet cloth was pressed to her
face. “Riley, I need you to sit up, sweetheart. I want you to drink this glass
of water and talk to me.”
    Riley opened her
eyes and looked at him. She was grinning like a loon and couldn’t help it. “I
love you so much, Hector. You amaze me.” She let him pull her into a seated
position, leaning against him when he pulled her close. “That was amazing. I’ve
never thought anything could be that perfect, that good, but it was.”
    “It only gets
better in time, as we explore more and more.” He pressed the glass into her
hand, keeping his fingers wrapped around hers. “How are you feeling? No pain, I
    “No, no pain at
    He nuzzled her
skin, nipping at her jaw. “You were amazing, Riley.”
    She took another
sip and smiled. Once she had finished the water, she passed the glass back to
him. “I’m so ready for sleep. And tomorrow we will—what are we doing tomorrow?”
she asked suddenly.
    “Tomorrow we’re
going to the Mountain … home. It’s where our base is, where we are completely
protected from the monsters. It’s the only place still protected by the
goddess. We don’t know how, or why, but it’s our last refuge on earth. We all
need to be well rested for the journey, because I have no idea what it will
bring, to be honest.
    “When Gaius
returned with Emily they were attacked on the road to the Mountain. It was the
closest the monsters have ever struck up to. This war is coming to an end. I
think the magic—or whatever the goddess is using to protect the Mountain—is
failing. I pray to the gods I’m

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