
Free Revealed by April Zyon

Book: Revealed by April Zyon Read Free Book Online
Authors: April Zyon
spine a moment before his tongue slid
over the tight bud of her anus this time. “Soon, not yet. We would need to
prepare you, and I find I don’t have the patience for that tonight. Not with
the scent of your pussy calling to me.” A flick of his tongue stroked her from
her clit all the way to her anus again. “Fuck, you taste so sweet.”
    Riley shuddered.
“Oh God,” she whimpered. “That feels so good.” Moaning, she pushed back against
him, unable to stop herself, and cried out when his large hand unexpectedly
swatted her bottom again. The answering sob was tempered by another moan.
“Jesus. Hector.”
    Her words earned
her a smack to the other side. “How are you to refer to me when we are in bed,
playing together?” he demanded. She didn’t answer right away, which earned her
two more slaps, one to each cheek. “Riley, this only works when we are both in
full control. I need to know you are with me always.”
    His hands moved
to under her arms. “Sit up for a moment, please,” he ordered. He drew her up
until she was sitting on his lap, his arms sliding around her waist. “Riley, do
you want this or don’t you? Are you on board for what our lives entail in the
    She nodded. “I’m
sorry, Sir. I forgot.” She wanted to be all that he wanted. But the moment that
he’d tasted her, she had lost all thought and control. “You’re all that I could
want. All I need. I need someone to take control of me, someone to show me how
to have pleasure, and someone to teach me. I want to be your submissive.” She
hesitated, then added, “If you still want me, Sir?” She had never been overly
dominant in anything she did. And now, she understood why. It was because she
had been waiting for him to come in and be her Dominant.
    “Of course I
want you, Riley. It’s not about that at all. But I need you to be fully comfortable
in the bedroom.” He stroked a hand over her cheek before he kissed her. “I need
you to pick a safeword. Something that you won’t ever forget. Something that
will come to you even in the heat of passion. The word will be for any time
you’re overwhelmed, or I do something that has you panicking.
    “It can happen,”
he said, stalling her words. “Every Dominant out there pushes their sub to see
how much they can take. There are boundaries. Some hard, that are never
crossed. And others, that are soft, that can be explored. We’re just getting
started. So, pick something that you will never, ever forget and tell me what
it is and why you chose it. That will ensure I never forget it either. Each
time we play, I’ll ask you for that word, a reinforcement for us both.”
    Riley nodded. With her head on
his chest, she drew circles over his arms as she thought. Finally, she
whispered, “Daddy. I know that’s not a very good word, but I chose it because
when I lost my father, I lost everything. Before you came into my life, he was
my world. So, if I say daddy that
means that I’m worried I’ll lose everything again.” She hoped it would make
sense to Hector. She knew it was very strange to use.
    “Okay, that
works. It’s something you won’t forget, even if it’s a little unusual.” He
wrapped her up in a hug and held her close.
    Riley looked up
at him and smiled. “We might have to change it one day, but for now, it’s the
word that comes to mind. I’ve never done anything like this before, so I don’t
know what is or isn’t a good word to use. I love you. I trust you, and God help
me, I want to be with you in every single, possible way there is. Sir.”
    Hector pressed a kiss to her
lips and squeezed her close. “We’ll change it as you see fit. Now, get back on
your hands and knees, your ass up in the air for me. If anything, at any time,
makes you uncomfortable and you say daddy, I will stop. Immediately. No questions asked. Then we’ll talk about it and
figure out what needs to change.” He gave her another kiss and loosened his
    Riley licked

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