What If You Are a Horse in Human Form

Free What If You Are a Horse in Human Form by Jason the Horse

Book: What If You Are a Horse in Human Form by Jason the Horse Read Free Book Online
Authors: Jason the Horse
knocked me over with a feather!
    Buoyed by this development, I decided to check my e-mail from the library, to at least clear out my spam folder if nothing else. In my e-mail inbox was a message from Kip Mistral, an equestrian author with whom I had been corresponding for a few months. In it she asked how I was doing. I sent her a brief reply that mentioned my mental state and the computer-smashing incident. Her message was dated August 27 (3 days previous), so I didn't expect a reply before my one-hour reserved online session ended. Five minutes before my time was up, Kip replied and asked for my home address so that she could send me an extra laptop computer she had! She refused to accept any compensation, and I thanked her profusely. I am writing this book on that laptop computer right now.
    It was a strange and wonderful day—it was as if I had won the lottery over and over again! The next day, I called Debra Chesnut. Before she could say anything else, I asked her: "Did you do something yesterday?" She laughed and said, "Why yes, I did! I performed a shamanic ceremony last night and contacted your Horse Ancestors. I told them you badly needed their help and asked them to assist you." I then told her what had happened, and she chuckled, "Yes, that's how your people helped you and lifted your spirits.” She apologized for being indisposed on Tuesday, as her son was about to get on a plane to leave for school in Ireland when his housing arrangements fell through at the last minute. Due to the time zone difference between Ireland and Alaska, she had had a difficult time contacting them over there. I suggested that he could stay inexpensively at a youth hostel until he found new housing, and she thanked me for the tip.
    If a simple, barefoot Shire draft horse like me could be so blessed, who knows what blessings are in store for you when you need them? An additional blessing turned up later, when I remembered that I had printed out all of the files for the book as well as my e-mail correspondence with Debra. By the next May everything had fallen into place, and I had Social Security Disability and Alaska state benefits, disabled housing, and both Medicaid and Medicare.

My Work Begins
    Another happy happenstance was meeting and having sessions with Carol Slonimski, Ph.D., a pain psychologist at the local pain clinic. Not long after our first sessions, I decided to “come out of the stall” to her about being a horse in human form. I was relieved when she believed me, and from then on the sessions took a somewhat different tack. It was so nice to be able to just “let my mane down” and not “self-edit” my thoughts and words, as I have had to do around most humans all my life. I was happy to answer her many questions about how we horses live and what we think about, and I jokingly apologized for having drawn her into an equine veterinary psychological practice. She was particularly interested in comparing equine psychological traits with human ones.
    Something intriguing happened during the last week of May 2007 that cemented her conviction that I am a horse, and it also sparked her interest in learning our equine language. During my regular monthly session with Dr. Carol Slonimski, she connected me to a biofeedback computer that measured the coherence of my parasympathetic nervous system (in plain English, how well I could directly control my heart rate and respiration with my thoughts). It was set up as a game where a hot-air balloon rose at a speed that was directly proportional to the level of coherence, and as it moved horizontally across the screen obstacles that could snag it appeared (these were designed to throw off patients' coherence).
    At all three difficulty levels, the balloon never descended and never got caught on a single obstacle. I got a perfect score at the first level, a near-perfect score at the second level, and a very good score at the third level. (I hadn't had breakfast that morning, and by

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