Blood Bath, A Paranormal/Urban Fantasy (The Maurin Kincaide Series Book 4)

Free Blood Bath, A Paranormal/Urban Fantasy (The Maurin Kincaide Series Book 4) by Rachel Rawlings

Book: Blood Bath, A Paranormal/Urban Fantasy (The Maurin Kincaide Series Book 4) by Rachel Rawlings Read Free Book Online
Authors: Rachel Rawlings
voice. I saw the pain in Aidan's eyes and then the determination to undo the damage to our relationship. Cash sat back content to let Aidan set himself up. I sat up a little straighter and tried to convince everyone I meant what I said. "What do you have in mind?"
    "Can you get us into the morgue?"

    "This is a terrible idea, Aidan." I hated being in the morgue.
    " You said you trusted me."
    "I do , but you weren't here when I tried this previously. It kind of cemented the fact that I can't read dead people," I whined. During that whole debacle, I attempted to read a dead witch, whose hands and tongue had been cut off. Needless to say, it didn't go well.
    "Not to mention I had an appointment to be here last time. You didn't tell me we were breaking in."
    " We're not breaking in. We're sneaking in."
    "Semantics. I don't think the police will see much of a difference. I'm warning you, Aidan, it was really bad last time."
    "The reason is there's too much death in a morgue for you to be effective. Your power is centered in the living world. You need to connect with someone whose power isn't."
    "How do you know that?"
    "Cash can't keep the technician distracted for long and Conry can't remain in his ethereal form forever. We don't have much time. I promise I'll explain later."
    "Aidan." I hoped that one word conveyed the trouble he was in if he didn't answer me.
    "You're not going to do anything until I tell you are you?" He pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed. “I was doing research about the Kellen factor and sort of stumbled across it. I was hoping to confirm it with your father."
    "And you were going to tell me this when exactly?"
    "I found out around the time Agrona told me they thought you'd outgrown your position as liaison and were considering making you a permanent part of my team. I just haven't had a chance to tell you."
    "Oh I understand, not a minute to spare. You've been so busy making decisions and planning my life. How could you possibly find the time to discuss any of it with me ?"
    "Maurin, please. I'm happy to let you berate me for something I have already apologized for, after we find out if Caligula truly is involved. Personally I find it a little too convenient for the necklace to be found among the girls b elongings."
    " We're definitely not done talking about this, you can bet on that. And for the record, you apologized for dumping me without having the decency to talk to me about it. This? This is a completely separate mistake. That requires its own apology. And groveling. Lots of groveling. You know, you've been around a long time; I expected you to be way better at this relationship shit."
    "Indeed. I can't help it. I lose the ability to think clearly where you're concerned." He pulled me into his arms but I didn't give in to the embrace. Well, not right away. "Are you ready to give this a try?"
    "Just tell me you didn't call Kellen." The fact that Aidan wanted to confirm anything with Arawn told me everything I needed to know about the Kellen factor. He kissed the top of my head, before walking down the hallway to the eme rgency exit and pushing on the bar to open it. "I'm warning you, if Kellen walks through that door I'm staking you at sunrise."
    When I saw who walked in I almost wished he had called Kellen. Graive came through the door with Oberon in tow, their hands clasped. Well weren't they just the picture of perfect coupledom. I fought the urge to roll my eyes.
    I had gotten over the fact that Mahalia - former high priestess and convicted attempted murderer - convinced Oberon to pursue me romantically to ensure my allegiance and the coven's seat on the Council. Graive had obviously gotten over the fact that he broke things off with her to do it.
    But we were all far from friends. I was still kind of hung up on the “killing me by demon” plot Mahalia concocted. The Council was convinced of their innocence in Mahalia's master plan but I was pretty sure if Graive

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