Garda - Welcome to the Realm

Free Garda - Welcome to the Realm by Stacy Eaton

Book: Garda - Welcome to the Realm by Stacy Eaton Read Free Book Online
Authors: Stacy Eaton
thought of the amount of paperwork I was going to have to complete blinked through my mind for a split second.
    When we made the turn onto First Avenue, I briefly thought about Corey. I knew that if we entered into her jurisdiction, she would jump into the fray. I didn’t recall her being on any call before this, so, knowing her, she was already moving towards the action.
    I was focused on the vehicle, praying that it would not strike any other vehicles. When we turned onto Riversdale, I knew we were totally out of the business district. As long as the cars stayed out of the way up near the café and store, then we would be out in straight county roads where it would be less likely the robbers would crash into someone else, more likely they would lose control on a turn and crash themselves.
    A quick glance into my mirror showed at least five other cars behind me, some crossing the double yellow to get a view of what was ahead of us, our spacing safe for the speeds we were traveling. I glanced down at my speedometer: seventy-five, damn.
    I glanced up as the brake lights on the car we were chasing lit up, its tires locked up, and the car started to fishtail. I slammed on my brakes as the cars behind me did the same. The sirens were competing with the sounds of the tires trying to find purchase on the road.
    I watched in horror as I realized the sedan had struck someone. A person had flown in the air in front of the car. I could only see the legs. Dark navy pants and heavy tactical boots lay on the roadway completely still. My heart, which had already been beating at an accelerated level, now surged forward into my throat.
    I slammed the column shifter up into park and threw open the door. As my line of sight came around, I saw the white and blue patrol car in the parking lot. The realization of the victim’s identity stabbed me in the chest like a knife.
    My knees gave out and I grabbed the door to hold me up as I saw her lying on the ground, not moving.
    I don’t remember saying anything, but the scream that echoed through my mind must have come from my own mouth.
    I heard feet pounding on the ground behind me. Sirens were being turned off, car doors were closing, more feet.
    I watched Joe run past me. Two other people ran to the sedan and pulled the driver and passenger out of the car at gunpoint. I stood staring down the street.
    Joe bent down beside the still figure. A few other people ran to her, civilians who were trying to help. I took a step forward, barely able to lift my foot, another. I had to get to her, had to see that the body was not hers.
    It couldn’t be her. Oh my God, please don’t let it be her.
    Joe spun in his crouch towards me, his face intense, his jaw locked. Our lines of vision met and then broke as he considered something behind me. No. No! I moved faster, and he stood up to come to me.
    I was almost there when he threw himself up against me, holding me back.
    “Mitch, she’s gone.”
    I pushed at him, I needed to get to her. She was alright. She had to be alright! “No! Let me get to her, Joe!”
    “Mitch!” He grabbed me by the shoulders, stopping me, and put his face into mine. “She’s gone, man, she’s gone.” His voice softened as the words exited his mouth.
    I shook my head, my knees threatening to give out under me. The sound of an ambulance siren reached my ears, and I turned to it.
    “No! The ambulance is here! They can help her! Move, Joe, I need to get to her.”
“Mitch! Her neck was broken, she’s dead. She’s dead man…she’s dead.”
    The words did not reach me, but the appearance of pain and anger in his face did. No longer could my legs hold me up. I staggered, and Joe put his arm around me and pulled my arm around his shoulder.
    He walked me back to my car. My lungs burned, and I couldn’t breathe. I felt like my life had just been sucked out of me.
    “I killed her. Oh my God, I killed her,” I mumbled as Joe stood me next to the hood of my car.
    “No, you

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